Wait for locks with -w

The -w [seconds] option can be appended to any oncheck command. If oncheck encounters a lock while performing its work it will first indicate to the user that it is waiting, then pause until either the given timeout expires or the lock is acquired. oncheck’s return code is non-zero if the utility exits due to a timeout expiration.

The -w option may be given a number of seconds to wait. For example:
oncheck -cDI stores_demo:customer -w 10
That command will wait up to 10 seconds for each lock encountered during the data and index check of the customer table. Omitting a timeout value tells oncheck to wait indefinitely for locks. For example:
oncheck -cc my_db -w

That command will wait if necessary for locks on tables in my_db without timing out.

An oncheck command that uses the -w option may be interrupted at the command line as usual, even when the command is waiting for a lock.