FULL_DISK_INIT configuration parameter

Use the FULL_DISK_INIT configuration parameter to prevent an accidental disk reinitialization of an existing database server instance. This configuration parameter specifies whether or not the disk initialization command (oninit -i) can run on your HCL Informix® instance when a page zero exists at the root path location, which is at the first page of the first chunk location.

onconfig.std value
0 = The oninit -i command runs only if there is not a page zero at the root path location.

1 = The oninit -i command runs under all circumstances, but also resets the FULL_DISK_INIT configuration parameter to 0 after the disk initialization.

takes effect
After you edit your onconfig file and restart the database server.


When the FULL_DISK_INIT configuration parameter is set to 1, any instance startup command (for example, oninit as well as oninit -i) resets the configuration parameter to 0.

If you start to run the oninit -i command when the FULL_DISK_INIT configuration parameter is set to 0 and the database server finds a page zero, the oninit -i command does not run and the server reports an error in the online.log.

Page zero is the Informix® system page that contains general information about the server instance. This page is created when the server instance is initialized.