HCL Informix .NET Provider Version 4.50.FC11, Windows x64

                            MACHINE SPECIFIC NOTES
               HCL Informix Client-SDK 4.50.FC11 PRODUCT RELEASE
                    HCL Informix .NET Provider Version 4.50.FC11
                               On Windows x64
                               DATE: 20 Jun 2024

OS Information : Built on Windows Server 2016 x64.

Machine Specific Notes

1.  IBM Informix .NET Provider for 2.0 .NET framework is no longer included in this release.

2.  IBM Informix .NET Provider for 4.0 .NET framework is built on Windows
    2016 using Visual C# compiler from (Visual Studio 2017):

        Microsoft .NET Framework v4.5.51209 SP1 

3.  The IBM Informix .NET Provider is no longer automatically deployed in the Global Assembly
    Cache (GAC) or registered as a DbFactoryProvider during the installation process. 

    To deploy the provider in the GAC use the Global Assembly Cache tool (Gacutil.exe)
    provided by the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK). 


    To register the provider as a DbFactoryProvider update your application configuration
    file (app.config) or the .NET runtime global configuration file (machine.config) with
    the following entry:

          <add name="IBM Informix .NET Data Provider" invariant="IBM.Data.Informix"
          description="IBM Informix Data Provider for .NET Framework 4.0"
 		  type="IBM.Data.Informix.IfxFactory, IBM.Data.Informix, Version=,
          Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7c307b91aa13d208" />

4.  IPv6 Support 
    IDS supports Internet Protocol Version 6 (128 Bit Internet Addresses)
    as well as IPv4 (32 Bit Addresses).

    In order for the machine name specified in the SQLHOSTS registry to resolve 
    to the correct IP address, the name services files on the Operating System 
    should be correctly configured.

    For compatibility with older IBM Informix client and server products, 
    assign the same hostname with both an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address. 
    If the listener needs to be bound to an IPv4 address and the name services 
    resolve the name in the order of the IPv6 address followed by IPv4 address,
    then an explicit IPv4 address needs to be put in the nodename field of the
    server registry. Client applications should also use the same setting.

5.  Connectivity on Windows Vista

    To enable connections between database servers on the Vista operating 
    system, you must enable network discovery and NetBIOS over TCP/IP.

    To enable connections:

    1) From the Control Panel, double-click Network and Sharing.
    2) In the Sharing and Discovery section of the Network and Sharing Center, 
       click Network discovery and then Turn on network discovery.
    3) In the Network section, click View Status next to the Local Area 
    4) In the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Properties.
    5) In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, choose the 
       appropriate Internet Protocol Version and click Properties.
    6) In the Internet Protocol Version Properties dialog box, click Advanced.
    7) On the WINS page of the Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box, click 
       Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP and then click OK.
    8) Continue clicking OK or Close until all dialog boxes are closed.

Check the following web site for the latest Windows system requirements:


(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2017
(C) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2017, 2024. All Rights Reserved.