Release notes for HCL Informix® Global Language Support (GLS), 7.00.xC1

The Release notes provide a list of useful topics and links for when you install library with an Informix product or fix pack.



is an application programming interface (API) that provides functions and macros for the implementation of applications with multicultural support that are compatible with globalization. This API allows applications to access information in HCL Informix® locale files. The 7.00 library incorporates the International Components for Unicode (ICU) 60.2 library.


The Informix® GLS User's Guide is written with the assumption that you are using HCL Informix® version 14.10 with version 7.00 of the GLS library.

System requirements

For information about hardware and software compatibility, see the machine notes.

Installing HCL Informix® Global Language Support (GLS) Version 7.00.xC1

The Informix® Client Products Installation Guide (clinst.pdf) is also available in the product build in PDF format.

Related information

More information about other products and services from HCL Technologies can be found at: