Logical Operations

An expression in HCL Detect Expression Language can contain the basic logical operations: logical and (&&) and logical or (||) with the usual semantics. These are binary operations that expect sub-expressions of type Bool on each side. Shortcutting is used to evaluate the logical operations. For logical and, if the sub-expression on the left evaluates to false, then the sub-expression on the right is not evaluated and the result is false. For logical or, if the sub-expression on the left evaluates to true, then the sub-expression on the right is not evaluated and the result is true. An expression in HCL Detect Expression Language can also contain the not (!) operator, which is a unary operator that expects a sub-expression of type Bool on the right.


  • A simple logical expression: 3>5||2<4
  • A logical expression that uses not: !(3>5)