
Expressions in HCL Detect Expression Language can also contain attributes. Attributes are identifiers that correspond to the attributes available in a tuple or in the master profile. Each attribute has a type and can appear in anywhere a sub-expression of that type is expected.

If an attribute comes from the master profile, it can be referenced by prefixing it with profile.. Otherwise, only the attribute name is used.


  • A string formed by concatenating a String literal and an attribute named code from the current tuple: "AREA_" + code
  • A string formed by concatenating a String literal and a profile attribute named name: "My name is " +
  • An arithmetic expression involving an attribute and Int32 literals: numSeconds / (24 * 60 * 60)
  • An arithmetic expression involving a profile attribute and Int32 literals: profile.ageInSeconds / (24 * 60 * 60)
  • A floating-point arithmetic expression, where the floating point literal is of type Double: cost / 1000.0
  • Another expression involving a profile attribute, where the floating point literal is of type Double: profile.revenue / 1000.0
  • A Boolean expression checking if a String literal is found in an attribute named places of type List(String): "airport" in places
  • A Boolean expression checking if a String literal is found in a profile attribute named favoritePlaces of type List(String): "airport" in profile.favoritePlaces