Installing OS-managed packages

When it comes to OS-managed dependencies, i.e., dependencies that can be installed using the operating system package management, the installer will look for and warn you about missing dependencies.

The installation package comes with a utility, dependency_checker, that can be used to ensure that all dependencies are in place ahead of the installation.

This utility inspects the environment for RedHat- or Ubuntu-provided software (referred to as OS-provided software in the rest of this documentation) as well as for specific Python packages required by HCL Detect, which are provided as a virtualenv environment, pre-configured to match the HCL Detect needs.

Operating System-software packages must be installed using the regular mechanism employed to download and install them, usually yum on RedHat and apt-get on Ubuntu.

When using dependency_checker to extract the list of required dependencies, the output will be similar to (but not necessarily the same as) the following:

$ ./drive/bin/dependency_checker -l
List of OS package dependencies:

advance-toolchain-at8.0-runtime: 8.0 (installed)
mariadb: 5.5 (not installed)
mariadb-libs: 5.5 (installed)
mariadb-server: 5.5 (installed)

List of Python package dependencies (available in the HCL Detect virtualenv):

In this example, one external dependency (mariadb) is not currently installed. In this case, assuming this host is running RedHat Linux, yum must be used to install mariadb.


Installing OS packages on a server without Internet connection

In many cases, the server (or cluster) where HCL Detect is going to be installed is not directly connected to the Internet.

In such cases, the installation of additional OS-level packages can be accomplished by having access to the Operating System installation CD/DVD or, simply, to an .iso image with the OS installation.

If your installation is RedHat-based, use one of the following alternatives:

If your installation is Ubuntu-based, use one of the following alternatives:

  • if a DVD is available, please follow the DVD-based apt repository directions outlined by Canonical to create a locally available aptitude repository.
  • if an .iso file is available, mount it first and then use the mounting point in the steps above as the location when running apt-cdrom. To mount the .iso perform the following steps either sudo-ed or by logging in as root:
    $ mkdir -p <mounting point location>
    $ mount -o loop <file>.iso <mounting point> location

When installing external operating system-managed dependencies, as long as the major and minor version numbers match, the dependency is considered satisfied.