
The server where HCL Detect is installed must be configured according to a few guidelines. The software also relies on a set of external dependencies that must be installed prior to setting it up for use. In this section, we discuss both of these issues.

Operating System Configuration

The server (or servers) where Detect runs must be properly configured as far as certain OS and shell resource limits.

While these limits are going to be checked during installation, we will provide certain helpful guidelines in this section.

First, the number of file descriptors that can be used by a process must be equal to or greater than 640,000.

The soft and hard limits are defined as part of the OS configuration (defined in /etc/security/limits.conf) and used/enforced by the (Bash) shell.

In the shell, the soft limits for each of these resources (including the maximum number of open files) can be inspected as follows:

ulimit -Sa

And the hard limits as follows:

ulimit -Ha

Naturally neither limit can go beyond the OS limit that applies to the server.

If the current limit is too low for the current shell, but sufficient as far as the OS is concerned, you can update your local .bashrc raising the limit as follows:

ulimit -n 640000

Nevertheless, in most cases, after a fresh OS install, it is necessary to update /etc/security/limits.conf to meet Detect's needs.

We recommend that you consult your OS documentation, but usually the following settings can be added towards the end of the file (assuming you want the limits applied to all users):

*    soft    nofile 640000
*    hard    nofile 640000

# End of file

After applying this change, a new login must be made with the userid that will be used by Detect (no reboot is necessary).

External Dependencies

The external software dependencies are required by Detect are specific to the operating system version and architecture where the software will run.

There are two types of external dependencies. The ones provided by the OS vendor and the ones from external vendors.

Starting with the dependencies provided by external vendors, requiring a manual installation, you will need to obtain:

  • optional: IBM InfoSphere Streams, IBM SPSS, as well as Oracle WebLogic, if these are capabilities you have acquired in your particular HCL Detect installation. These are commercial products and you should consult their respective documentation to have them installed in your environment. Their integration with HCL Detect is described later in this section, where the installer will request additional information regarding their location in the file system.