Configuring HCL Link for integration

About this task


  1. Open Volt Config in Notes. Select All Settings.
  2. Select All Service Credentials > New Credential Set. Enter the "Alias" you chose in Step 1. Enter the username and password for acquiring the Link request token. Click Done.
  3. If your Link server is secured, and you are using a self-signed certificate or you see exceptions related to TLS/SSL in the log file, then you may need to install the certificate used into your Domino keystore where Volt is installed.
    For Domino 11:
    For Domino 12:
    Refer to the Domino documentation on adding trusted root certificates to the Certificate Manager.
  4. Restart the Domino HTTP process.
    If you have the trace string*=finest enable, in the log file there is a message similar to 2021/03/25 10:42:51.240 FINEST Running scheduled task for detecting HCL Link service description changes... when Volt starts up. There is a log entry for each catalog that is registered.