Creating a Formula from the Properties window

You can set a formula on a form item using the Properties window. The following instructions describe how to open the Formula editor and select formula options.

About this task

You must set the formula on the form item that stores the result. For example, to add two numbers, set the formula on the field where you want the result shown.
Note: If you are creating a formula to assign a string value to a Time form item, the content of the string must be based on a 24-hour clock. If the input value is not in a valid 24-hour clock format, the resulting value will not be correct.


  1. Select the form item, and click the Edit Properties icon.
    The Edit Properties window opens.
  2. Click the Formula tab.
  3. Select the function from the list of available options.
    The available options are:
    • Add – Adds two values together.
    • Assign – Assigns a value to the specified form item.
    • Table Average – Calculates the average column value of a table.
    • Concatenate – Concatenates two values together into a single string.
    • Power – Raises power of one value to another value.
    • Table Max – The maximum column value of a table on the form.
    • Multiply – Multiplies two values together.
    • Minus – Subtracts one value from another value.
    • Table Sum – The sum of a column of a table.
    • Table Count – The number of rows in a table.
    • Divide – Divide one value by another.
    • Table Min – The minimum column value of a table.

    After you select a function, input areas and a result area are shown.

  4. Click the Input 1 field.
    • Select a form item from the list.
    • Click Or, Enter a Number. Enter a number in the Value: field, and click OK.
  5. Click the Input 2 field.
    • Select a form item from the list.
    • Click Or, Enter a Number. Enter a number in the Value: field, and click OK.
    Note: If your formula contains errors, an error icon is shown. Ensure that a formula is free of errors before applying it to a form item.
  6. Click OK to save and apply the formula and close the Properties window.


Save and preview your form to test the formula.