Preparing a plan document for resource balancing

After you submit a plan, the plan document is a draft document that may require additional input before it is ready to be submitted to the Change Administrator. In the plan document, you specify how the moves are carried out, when the plan is submitted to the Administration Process, and when you want the Administration Process to execute the plan. When the Domino® Change Manager moves databases, it creates groups of database move sequences, called demand sets. You can choose whether to move the demand sets one at a time or all at the same time.

About this task

Each plan can have an associated approval profile that lists the names of persons or groups who must approve the plan document. If there is no approval profile, you can list the names of approvers in the plan document. If you assign a group as an approver, any one of the group members can approve the plan.

The Resource Balancing plan document is a dynamic document that provides the current status of the plan and keeps a history of plan modifications, including the author and date of each modification.

Whether you make any changes to the plan document, it must be moved to its next state, which is the prepared state. In its draft state the plan can be edited by its author.


  1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Server > Analysis tab.
  2. Open the Domino® Change Control view, and then select the Plans > by Status view.
  3. Select the draft plan to move to the prepared state and then click Edit.
  4. In the Basics section, complete these fields:
    Table 1. Basics fields




    Enter a unique name for the plan.


    Select a category or enter a new category name.


    Enter a description of the plan.

  5. Under Execution options, choose one:
    • Sequential -- To execute each demand set (database move sequence) one at a time.
    • Concurrent -- To move all demand sets at the same time.
  6. In the field Activate Plan, choose one:
    • Only between specified start and stop periods -- and specify a time during which the request can be sent to the Administration Process.
    • Anytime after specified start -- and specify a time after which the request can be sent to the Administration Process.
    • Anytime before specified end -- and specify a time by which the request must be sent to the Administration Process.
    • At any time (after approval) -- to submit the request to the Administration Process any time after the plan is approved.
  7. Under Requesters and Authors, the plan automatically displays the name of the person who submitted the plan. However, you can edit either field if, for example, you submitted the plan for someone else but you do not want to remain as the requester or the only author.
  8. Click the Approval tab, and complete one or both of these fields:
    Table 2. Approval fields



    Approval profile

    Do one:

    • Click Choose Profile and select the approval profile from the list.
    • Click Clear Profile to remove the assigned profile.

    Require approval from

    Enter the names of users or groups to add to the approval list.

  9. Click the Notifications tab. This tab lists, by role, those who will be notified at each stage of the plan. Add or remove the selection of any role as needed. Check Others, and then select from the list to add users to the notification list.
  10. Optional: Click the Variables tab. The default variable is Execution time, and the value is unspecified. To specify an execution time at which the Administration Process executes the plan, you must edit the variable.
  11. Click the Constraints tab to view and edit the constraints that will apply to the moves executed by this plan. By default, no constraints are assigned automatically.
    • Referenced constraints -- Lists the constraints that apply to this plan. Click Edit to add or remove one of the constraints.
    • Ad-hoc constraints -- Click New to create a new constraint.
  12. When you finish changing the draft plan, click Apply.
  13. Click Change Control to promote this plan from draft state to prepared state, and then click OK.