Creating a container for Domino

After you have set up a new Domino server using a temporary container, create the container to run the Domino server.

About this task

  • Before you complete this procedure, decide what execution mode you want to use to run the container, interactive or detached. Interactive mode allows yout to interact with the Domino server directly through the Docker terminal window. You should always run a container in the specified mode. For more information, see Docker run command arguments.
  • If your Domino server ID is password-protected and you plan to run your container in detached mode (-d), before you complete this procedure, create a secrets file to store the password. The file must be accessible by your Docker container. Use the docker cp command to copy the file to the Docker container. The Domino server reads the password from the secrets file. The file can be created manually or through orchestration software such as Docker Swarm or Kubernetes. For more information, see their documentation:
  • If you use podman, replace docker with podman in the commands in this procedure. For example:
    podman run -it --name <container name> -v <docker volume name>:<data directory> 
    --hostname <hostname> --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -p <HostPort:ContainerPort> <image>


To create and automatically start the container, issue the run command that applies to your situation:
To use interactive mode:
docker run -it --name <container name> -v <docker volume name>:<data directory> 
--hostname <hostname> --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -p <HostPort:ContainerPort> <image>
Tip: -it can be omitted. A container runs in interactive mode by default.
For example:
docker run -it --name domino1101 -v notesdata:/local/notesdata --hostname 
    --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -p 8585:8585 -p 1352:1352 -p 443:443 domino-docker:V1101
To use detached mode with a secrets file that contains a password for the server ID file:
docker run -d --name <container name> -v <docker volume name>:/local/notesdata 
    --hostname <hostname> --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --env secretpwfile=<path to secrets file> 
    <-p HostPort:ContainerPort> <image>
For example:
docker run -d --name domino1101 -v notesdata:/local/notesdata --hostname 
   --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --env secretpwfile=/local/notesdata/secret/mysecret.sth -p 8585:8585 -p 1352:1352 
   -p 443:443 domino-docker:V1101
To use detached mode without a secrets file:
docker run -d --name <container name> -v <docker volume name>:/local/notesdata 
    --hostname <hostname> --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE <-p HostPort:ContainerPort> <image>
For example:
docker run -d --name domino1101 -v notesdata:/local/notesdata --hostname 
   --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -p 8585:8585 -p 1352:1352 -p 443:443 domino-docker:V1101


The Domino server container is created and the Domino server starts.