Show Database

Shows information about a specific database.


Shows information about the documents and views in a database.


show database database option
where database is the path to the database on the server and option is one of the following optional arguments.
  • d Lists only the types of documents and number of each type.
  • v Lists only the views and their sizes.
  • m Lists only the modified note log, a cache of the most recently updated documents.
  • e Lists only QueryResultsProcessor (QRP) results views and the size and expiration times of each. For information about QRP results views, see the documentation on the executeToView Java and LotusScript methods in the Domino Designer documentation (V12.0.1 or later).
If no argument is specified, the command lists:
  • The types of documents and number of each type.
  • The views and their sizes.


show database mydatabase v
show database myresultsviewdatabase e