Show Allports

Displays the configuration for all enabled and disabled ports on the server.


 Show Allports


The following example shows the output that appears on the server console when you issue the Show Allports command.

Show Allports
Enabled Ports:
TCPIP=TCP, 0, 15, 0
LAN0=NETBIOS, 0, 15, 0
Disabled Ports:
LAN1=NETBIOS, 1, 15, 0
LAN2=NETBIOS, 2, 15, 0
LAN3=NETBIOS, 3, 15, 0
LAN4=NETBIOS, 4, 15, 0
LAN5=NETBIOS, 5, 15, 0
LAN6=NETBIOS, 6, 15, 0
LAN7=NETBIOS, 7, 15, 0
LAN8=NETBIOS, 8, 15, 0