Verifying use of shared objects

Here is an optional procedure to use to verify that sharing objects across servers is correctly configured.


  1. Create a new database on one of the participating servers, for example, create one from the Discussion template.
  2. Close the database.
  3. Enter the following console command to enable the database for DAOS:
    load compact -c -daos on <db-path>
  4. Open the database from HCL Notes® or another client.
  5. Locate or create a file with the following characteristics:
    • Exceeds the size specified for the setting Minimum size of object before Domino will store in DAOS in the DAOS tab of the Server document.
    • Contains unique content not already stored by DAOS.
    A file containing a large screenshot or a large, recent log file is a good candidate.
  6. Create a document in the database, attach the file from the previous step, and save the document.
    Note: When you choose File > Attach, clear the option Compress that is shown at the bottom of the dialog box and that is selected by default.
  7. Enter the following command at the Domino console. The command writes to a file named listnlo.txt in the Domino data directory.
     tell daosmgr listnlo <db-path>
    where <db-path> is the file path to the database you created. The path can be relative to the data directory or the full path.
  8. Open listnlo.txt in a text editor. It contains the path of the single DAOS object (.NLO file) referenced by the new database. Copy the file name portion of the path, for example 9438A54B6C349D15A86161D266D8AFA9A8D9F91D000053FA.nlo, to be pasted in the next step.
  9. Enter the following command at the Domino console, specifying the file name from the previous step.
    tell daosmgr objectinfo <NLO-filename> -v
    The command generates output similar to the following output. Verify that you see these values:
    TIER: T1
    MASTER KEY: Shared AES-128 OR MASTER KEY: Shared AES-256
    MASTER KEY HASH <hash of the configured shared key>
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  NLO_KEY:           9438A54B6C349D15A86161D266D8AFA9A8D9F91D000053FA
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  TIER:              T1
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  SUBCONTAINER:      0
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  STATE:             Shared
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  REFCOUNT:          1
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  IN DOUBT:          FALSE
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  LAST ACCESSED:     08/25/2020 10:38:19 AM
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  AGE:               0
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  KEY PATH:          0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  LENGTH:            21498
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  ENCRYPTED:         Yes
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  MASTER KEY:        Shared AES-128
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  MASTER KEY HASH:   4DBA5BDC7F30C327C54DA6D3C317E87D4B5F71EE7230B2C03DDA362BC2C4FF91
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  MASTER HASH TYPE:  SHA-256
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:38:50 AM  DATA KEY:          AES-128
  10. (If you use tier 2 storage) Enter the following command at the Domino console to push the object to tier 2 manually (not typical):
    tell daosmgr objectpush <NLO-filename>
    You must include the .NLO extension in the file name, for example:
    tell daosmgr objectpush 9438A54B6C349D15A86161D266D8AFA9A8D9F91D000053FA.nlo
  11. Repeat the command you entered for Step 9:
    tell daosmgr objectinfo <NLO-filename> -v
    Verify that you see the following changes in the output values, indicating that the object is stored in a location that can be shared by all servers:
    TIER: T2
    T2 OBJECT TYPE: Shared
    KEY PATH: <first 40 characters of the MASTER KEY HASH>
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  NLO_KEY:           9438A54B6C349D15A86161D266D8AFA9A8D9F91D000053FA
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  TIER:              T2
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  T2 OBJECT TYPE:    Shared
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  STATE:             Shared
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  REFCOUNT:          1
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  IN DOUBT:          FALSE
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  LAST ACCESSED:     08/25/2020 10:38:19 AM
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  AGE:               0
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  KEY PATH:          4DBA5BDC7F30C327C54DA6D3C317E87D4B5F71EE
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  LENGTH:            21498
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  ENCRYPTED:         Yes
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  MASTER KEY:        Shared AES-128
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  MASTER KEY HASH:   4DBA5BDC7F30C327C54DA6D3C317E87D4B5F71EE7230B2C03DDA362BC2C4FF91
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  MASTER HASH TYPE:  SHA-256
    [44DC:0002-5D1C] 08/25/2020 10:41:00 AM  DATA KEY:          AES-128
  12. Repeat steps 1 through 11 on another one of the participating servers, using the same attachment file. If configured correctly, the resulting .NLO file name will be the same as the one on the first server.


The two servers each have their own reference to a single object that they share.