Profiles and the Domino server monitor

To facilitate monitoring servers, tasks, and statistics, the Domino® server monitor creates a set of default profiles.

The default set includes:

  • All servers -- Includes all servers in all domains you are monitoring, as listed in Administration Preferences
  • Domain name Domain -- Includes all servers in the named domain
  • Favorites -- Includes all servers in the Favorites bookmark file
  • Clusters -- Includes clusters within the domains being monitored

By default, the Domino server monitor contacts servers in the currently displayed profile and any profiles that have been displayed since the monitor started.

To customize the profiles that the Domino server monitor uses, you can do any of the following:

  • Modify a default profile
  • Create a new profile
  • Specify the profiles to monitor on startup
Note: The Domino server monitor and profiles are not available in the Web Administrator.