Viewing server health with the Server Health Monitor

After the first polling interval passes, the Server Health Monitor posts a report of server health, which you can view in the Domino® server monitor for a quick visual representation of your server's health.

About this task

When a server rating is Warning or Critical, or when there is a configuration issue, check the Overall Health Report in the Health Monitoring database (DOMMON.NSF). Each server health report provides short-term and long-term recommendations for restoring the server's rating to healthy.

For example, if the Memory Utilization component receives a Warning rating, the short-term solution may be to check the server for unnecessary processes that have been loaded. The long-term recommendation may be to add memory or to check the server's page-file allocation.


  1. To view server health, make sure you complete these preparation tasks:
    1. Enable the Server Health Monitor in Administration Preferences.
    2. Start the Domino Server Monitor.
    3. Allow the monitor to run for a few minutes longer that the specified polling interval.
  2. From the Domino Administrator, click the Server > Monitoring tab.
  3. In the Health column (Hea), the Server Health Monitor uses these icons to indicate the server's overall health:
    • Green thermometer -- the server's overall health rating is Healthy. All server components are within the appropriate range.
    • Yellow thermometer -- the server's overall health rating is Warning. One or more server components being monitored are approaching unacceptably poor levels of performance.
    • Red thermometer -- the server's overall health rating is Critical. One or more server components being monitored are failing to perform within acceptable tolerance levels.