Creating Administration probes

Domino® has a default set of Domino domain monitoring (DDM) probe documents that are shipped with the product. In addition, you can create an administration DDM probe.


  1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.
  2. Click Monitoring Configuration, and then click DDM Probes.
  3. Choose any DDM probe view, and then click New DDM Probe.
  4. Choose Administration.
    Table 1. Options for an application probe



    Probe Subtype

    Choose Automatic Report Closing.

    Probe Description

    Type a short description of the probe.

    Which servers should run this probe?

    Choose one:

    • All servers in the domain -- The probe monitors all servers in the domain.
    • Special target servers -- Specify the type of servers that will run the probe, such as POP3 servers or the administration server.
    • Only the following servers -- Specify the servers on which the probe will run.

    Errors to periodically close

    Choose one or both:

    • Add Error Codes To List -- Choose the error codes that are to be automatically cleared by the probe, and then click OK.
    • Remove Error Codes from List -- Choose the errors to be removed from the list of errors to be automatically cleared by the probe, and then click OK.

    Number of days to remain open

    Specify the number of days an Event document can remain open and inactive prior to being closed by the probe.

    Table 2. Options for an application probe - more



    How often should this probe run?

    Choose one:

    • Run multiple times per day -- If you choose this option, complete the field Defined schedule.
    • Daily -- If you choose this option, complete the field On which days should this probe run .
    • Weekly -- If you choose this option, complete the field On which day of the week should this probe run.
    • Monthly -- If you choose this option, complete the field On which day of the month should this probe run.
    Note: This probe is typically run daily or weekly.

    Defined schedule

    Specify the number of minutes between each run of the probe.

    Should this probe run twenty four hours per day, seven days per week?

    Choose one:

    • Yes -- Run the probe continuously.
    • No -- The probe runs on the days and at the times that you specify. After you choose this option, complete the On which days should this probe run field.

    During which hours of the day should this probe run?

    Specify the start time in the From field, and the end time in the To field. The probe will run during those hours.

    On which days should this probe run?

    Choose the days on which to run the probe.

    On which day of the week should this probe run?

    Specify the day of the week on which to run this probe.

    On which day of the month should this probe run?

    Enter the day of the month on which to run this probe. For example, enter 15 to run the probe on the 15th day of the month.

    At what time should this probe run?

    Specify the time that you want the probe to run.

    How should missed probes be handled?

    Choose one:

    • Ignore missed probe -- The missed probe is not run or rescheduled.
    • Run missed probe on startup -- The next time that the server starts, the missed probe runs.
    • Run missed probe at next time range -- The missed probe reschedules itself once. For example, if a probe scheduled to run every Tuesday at 5:00 AM fails to run, the probe reschedules itself to run on Wednesday at 5:00 AM. After that, the probe returns to its regular schedule.