SAML federated identity provider configuration enhancements

Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) 4.0 and the industry-standard SAML 2.0 AuthnRequest are now supported. In addition, the IdP Catalog (idpcat.nsf) design has been improved to simplify the steps to configure Domino® to use a SAML federated identity provider. To take advantage of these enhancements, replace the design of your IdP Catalog with the Domino® 10 idpcat.ntf template.

The Import XML button in the IdP Catalog configuration document that you use to import your identity provider metadata file is more obvious. And data about your identify provider is taken from the imported file to populate the following fields automatically:
  • Protocol version
  • Federation product. If your identity provider is ADFS 4.0, this value is set to AuthnRequest SAML 2.0 compatible.
New Import XML file button

The Host names or addresses mapped to this site field is populated from the HTTP host names in the Domino® directory Server document or Web site document, when possible. A drop-down arrow is also available for you to open the Domino® directory.

The buttons that you use to create and export a Domino® certificate are better named and both are located on the Certificate Management tab of the configuration document. Initially only the Create SP Certificate button is shown. After you create the certificate, the Export SP XML option is shown to export the certificate and save it as the attachment ServiceProvider.xml in the Exported certificate field. Note that in this release this option also exports the encryption certificate. Details are available by clicking Examine SP Certificate but the information can't be edited. Examine SP Certificate and Export SP XML options

The identity provider uses the Domino® certificate for two purposes in this release: to encrypt SAML assertions that it sends to Domino® and to sign AuthnRequests that it receives from Domino® if it support AuthnRequests.

For more information, see Using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) to configure federated-identity authentication.