IsSecondaryResort (NotesViewColumn - JavaScript)

Read-write. Indicates whether an ascending or descending user-sorted column has a secondary sorting column.

Defined in



isSecondaryResort() : boolean

setSecondaryResort(flag:boolean) : void

Legal value Description
true if a column is a secondary sorting column
false if a column is a secondary sorting column


In the sort tab for column properties, Click on column head to sort indicates a user-sorted column. For ascending and descending sorts, you can choose to have a secondary sort column.

If a user-sorted column is Change to view, this property is false.

The column must be selected through the Domino® Designer UI.

The sort is ascending unless IsSecondaryResortDescending is true.

IsResortAscending or IsResortDescending must be true for this property to be effective.