HeaderFontStyle (NotesViewColumn - JavaScript)

Read-write. The font style of the header in a column.

Defined in



getHeaderFontStyle() : int

setHeaderFontStyle(style:int) : void

Legal value

  • 0 NotesViewColumn.FONT_PLAIN
  • 1 NotesViewColumn.FONT_BOLD
  • 2 NotesViewColumn.FONT_ITALIC
  • 4 NotesViewColumn.FONT_UNDERLINE
  • 8 NotesViewColumn.FONT_STRIKEOUT
  • 8 NotesViewColumn.FONT_STRIKETHROUGH


The font style can have multiple values. For example, the style might be NotesViewColumn.FONT_BOLD and NotesViewColumn.FONT_ITALIC.

You can use IsFontBold, IsFontItalic, IsFontStrikethrough, and IsFontUnderline to query and set the font styles.