Dojo Styles

Dojo widgets are styled in two ways. The primary way is through a Dojo theme. In cases where a single Dojo widget needs different styling based upon context, additional styles are provided to override the look provided by the Dojo theme.

Dojo Theme

Our Dojo theme styles Dojo widgets with the ICS UI look and feel.

Additional Style Overrides

Additional style overrides are included for certain Dojo widgets that have different styling based upon context. You can find examples on the Alternate Styles example page. These style overrides are found in css/base/dojo.css, css/base/dojoRTL.css, css/<ThemeName>Theme/dojoTheme.css, and css/<ThemeName>Theme/dojoThemeRTL.css files. See the Linking the CSS Files page for more information about order of linking files into your page.