Examples: Text constants

In the following formula, the Author field contains "Mary Chen."

  1. If you enter the following as a field default value formula, the word Cost appears as the value in the field.
  2. The formula is:
    "From: " + Author + " (" + @Text(@Created) + ")"

    The result is:

    From: Mary Chen (11/30/2000 02:39:55 PM)
  3. The formula is:
    "From:" + @Repeat(" "; 8) + Author + " (" + @Text(@Created) + ")"

    The result is:

    From:        Mary Chen (11/30/2000 02:52:33 PM)
  4. The formula is:
    "Type \"Yes\" or \"No\""

    The result is:

    Type "Yes" or "No"
  5. The formula is:
    {Type "Yes" or "No"}

    The result is (same as the preceding example):

    Type "Yes" or "No"
  6. The formula is:
    "Type \\Yes\\ or \\No\\"

    The result is:

    Type \Yes\ or \No\