Larger database icons

Templates can have database icons that are up to 64x64 pixels in size. Previously, database icons could be a maximum of 32x32 pixels.

The following applications provided by HCL display new 64x64 database icons after you upgrade their template design to the 12.0.1 version:

Application 12.0.1 application template 12.0.1 icon after design upgrade
Mail mail12.ntf

Personal Address Book pernames.ntf

Bookmarks bookmark.ntf

Notebook notebook12.ntf

Teamroom teamrm12.ntf

Discussion discussion12.ntf

Resource Reservations resrc12.ntf

Domino Directory pubnames.ntf

If you create 64x64 pixel icons for your own applications, you can update them through Domino Designer as follows:
  1. Open the application in Domino Designer, expand Resources, and then click Icon.
  2. In Icon Properties, click Replace and select the new 64x64 pixel icon. If an icon is larger than 64x64, it is compressed.