Designing with XPages

XPages are new for this release of Domino® Designer. An XPage is a new Domino® Designer design element that lets you create Web 2.0 enabled pages based on the JSF technology. Specific features of XPages include:

  • AJAX enabled (for example, partial page refresh, type ahead capability, etc)
  • Advanced Web control library (tabbed panel, etc.)
  • Full support for styling using CSS
  • Fully extensible using custom controls (composite controls or Java based controls) or JSF extensions
  • Support for multiple clients (web, rich client, etc.)
  • JavaScript scripting language support for client side and server side action
  • Pre-built simple actions provided for most common cases
  • Direct access to Java libraries on the server

XPages remove barriers to Web programming in Domino® by providing advanced page design capabilities and complete control of the generated markup. They also allow access to any kind of data and provide an easy method for localizing applications.

XPages contain the text and user interface (UI) controls that users interact with while working with application pages. You can design the look and functionality of pages, and set properties for the entire page as well as for each of the individual design elements that you add to the page.

You can create a data source for each page, and also for each panel within a page. Data sources define how user data entered into the page or panel is stored, and how stored data is displayed.

Using simple actions logic, you can specify what a page does when a user interacts with it. For example, the page can create a new document to contain user data, it can create a response document, or it can display data from an existing document. For more information, see the Simple actions topic.

For complete information on using XPages in Domino® Designer, refer to the Domino® Designer XPages and Eclipse User Guide shipped with this product as an Eclipse help plugin.