UnprocessedDocuments (NotesDatabase - LotusScript®)

Read-only. The documents in a database that the current agent or view action considers to be "unprocessed." The type of agent determines which documents are considered unprocessed.

Note: This property is not implemented in COM.

Defined in


Data type



To get: Set notesDocumentCollection = notesDatabase .UnprocessedDocuments


This method is valid only for agent or view action scripts and may be invoked only on NotesDatabase objects obtained from the CurrentDatabase property in NotesSession. In scripts that are not a part of an agent or view action, this method returns a NotesDocumentCollection with zero documents. When invoked on a NotesDatabase object that was not obtained from the CurrentDatabase property, this method raises an error.

The database must be open to use this property.

What documents are returned?

The following table describes the documents that are returned by the UnprocessedDocuments property. Document selection occurs once, before the agent runs.

Agent runs on

UnprocessedDocuments returns documents that meet all of these requirements

All documents in database

Meet the search criteria specified in Agent Properties box

All new & modified documents

Not been processed by this agent with UpdateProcessedDoc

Created or modified since the agent last ran

Meet the search criteria specified in Agent Properties box

All unread documents in view

Are unread and in the view

Meet the search criteria specified in Agent Properties box

All documents in view

Are in the view

Meet the search criteria specified in Agent Properties box

All selected documents


View action

Are selected in the view

Meet the search criteria specified in Agent Properties box


Is the current document only

Before New Mail Arrives

None (does not return any documents; use NotesSession.DocumentContext instead)

After New Mail Arrives

Mailed to the database since the agent last ran

Meet the search criteria specified in Agent Properties box

Newly modified documents

Modified since the agent last ran

Meet the search criteria specified in Agent Properties box

Pasted documents

Pasted into the database since the agent last ran

Meet the search criteria specified in Agent Properties box

Using UpdateProcessedDoc

For agents that run on new and modified documents, newly received mail documents, pasted documents, or newly modified documents, you must use the UpdateProcessedDoc method in NotesSession to mark each document as "processed," which ensures that a document gets processed by the agent only once (unless it's modified, mailed, or pasted again). If you do not call this method for each document, the agent processes the same documents the next time it runs.

UpdateProcessedDoc marks a document as processed only for the particular agent from which it is called. Using UpdateProcessedDoc in one agent has no effect on the documents that another agent processes.

In all other agents and view actions, UpdateProcessedDoc has no effect.

View actions

When used in a view action, UnprocessedDocuments returns the same documents as an agent that runs on selected documents.
