Examples: Count property (NotesDocumentCollection - LotusScript)

  1. This script displays the total number of documents in the collection containing the word "Business."
    Sub Click(Source As Button)
      Dim session As New NotesSession
      Dim db As NotesDatabase
      Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
      findString = "Business"
      Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
      Set collection = db.FTSearch (findString,10)
      If collection.Count = 0 Then
        Messagebox "Not found", , _
        "Search for " & findString
        Messagebox  collection.Count & " documents found", , _
        "Search for " & findString
      End If
    End Sub
  2. This script uses Count and GetNextDocument to put every document in a collection into a folder called Cellar. The collection consists of documents containing the phrase "red wine."
    Sub Click(Source As Button)
      Dim session As New NotesSession
      Dim db As NotesDatabase
      Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
      Dim doc As NotesDocument
      Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
      Set collection = db.FTSearch ( "red wine", 0 )
      Set doc = collection.GetFirstDocument ()
      While Not doc Is Nothing
        Call doc.PutInFolder ( "Cellar", True )
        Set doc = collection.GetNextDocument ( doc )
      Messagebox collection.Count, , "Documents moved"
    End Sub