setContentFromText (NotesMIMEEntity - JavaScript)

Sets the content of a MIME entity from text.

Defined in



setContentFromText(stream:NotesStream, contentType:string, encoding:int) : void
Parameter Description
stream The text input. This input replaces any existing content. If the stream is empty, any current content is removed.
contentType Content type/subtype of the input stream. This parameter generates a Content-Type header.
encoding The MIME transfer encoding, which should reflect the encoding of the input stream. This parameter generates a Content-Transfer-Encoding header. See encodeContent.
  • NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_BASE64 (1727) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "base64"
  • NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_EXTENSION (1731) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is user-defined
  • NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_IDENTITY_7BIT (1728) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "7bit"
  • NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_IDENTITY_8BIT (1729) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "8bit"
  • NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_IDENTITY_BINARY (1730) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "binary"
  • NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_NONE (1725) -- no Content-Transfer-Encoding header
  • NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_QUOTED_PRINTABLE (1726) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "quoted-printable"


If the NotesStream input is the result of NotesStream.WriteText, translation of the internal Unicode defaults to US-ASCII. To translate characters other than US-ASCII, append a charset parameter such as charset=UTF-8 or charset=Unicode-1-1 to the type/subtype.

If Content-Type specifies text and the charset parameter specifies a known Internet encoding, and encoding is ENC_IDENTITY_8BIT or ENC_IDENTITY_BINARY, content storage is with the specified character set. Otherwise, content storage is attempted with UUS-ASCII.

This method sets the stream Position at end of stream.


This button mails a document in MIME format. Also see send.
var stream:NotesStream = session.createStream();
session.setConvertMime(false); // do not convert mime to rich text
var doc:NotesDocument = database.createDocument();
doc.appendItemValue("Form", "Memo");
var body:NotesMIMEEntity = doc.createMIMEEntity();
var header:NotesMIMEHeader = body.createHeader("Subject");
if (!header.setHeaderVal("MIME message")) {
	requestScope.status = "Cannot set header val for Subject";
header = body.createHeader("To");
if (!header.setHeaderVal(requestScope.query)) { // address of mail recipient
	requestScope.status = "Cannot set header val for To";
stream.writeText("This is the text of the message.");
body.setContentFromText(stream, "text/plain;charset=UTF-8", NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_NONE);
session.setConvertMime(true); // restore coversion
The following button creates a document from content on the current XPage.
var doc:NotesDocument = database.createDocument();
doc.replaceItemValue("Form", "main");
doc.replaceItemValue("subject", requestScope.subject);
if (requestScope.body != null) {
	//requestScope.body is bound to an inputRichText control
	var = requestScope.body;
	var stream:NotesStream = session.createStream();
	var entity:NotesMIMEEntity = doc.createMIMEEntity("body");
	entity.setContentFromText(stream,"text/html;charset=UTF-8", 1725);
} else {
	requestScope.status = "no content";