Preamble (NotesMIMEEntity - JavaScript)

Read-write. Preamble of a MIME multipart entity.

Defined in



getPreamble() : string

setPreamble(preamble:string) : void


This property contains additional information that can precede the first child entity of a multipart MIME entity according to RFC-2046.

This property applies where multipart is the Content-Type. Otherwise, this property is an empty string.

Domino® includes the preamble at the beginning of the text of a MIME item.

For the parent entity in a multipart entity, getContentAsText returns the preamble.

Setting the preamble automatically appends a carriage return and line feed, replacing any explicit trailing carriage return and line feed characters.


This button displays the content of the current document if it is in MIME format.
// Do not automatically convert MIME to rich text
var mime:NotesMIMEEntity = currentDocument.getDocument().getMIMEEntity();
if (mime != null) {
	// If multipart MIME entity
	if (mime.getContentType().equals("multipart")) {
		// Print preamble
		if (!mime.getPreamble().equals("")) {
			requestScope.status = "Preamble:\t" + mime.getPreamble() + "\n";
		// Print content of each child entity
		var child1:NotesMIMEEntity = mime.getFirstChildEntity();
		while (child1 != null) {
			requestScope.status += 
			child1.getBoundaryStart() + child1.getContentAsText() +
			child1.getBoundaryEnd() + "\n";
			var child2:NotesMIMEEntity = child1.getFirstChildEntity();
			if (child2 == null) {
				child2 = child1.getNextSibling();
				if (child2 == null) {
					child2 = child1.getParentEntity();
					if (child2 != null) {
						child2 = child2.getNextSibling();
			child1 = child2;
	// If not multipart, just print content
	else {
		requestScope.status = mime.getContentAsText();
} else {
	requestScope.status = "Not MIME";
// Restore conversion
This button mails a document in MIME format.
var stream:NotesStream = session.createStream();
// Do not automatically convert MIME to rich text
var doc:NotesDocument = database.createDocument();
// Create parent entity
doc.replaceItemValue("Form", "Memo");
var body:NotesMIMEEntity = doc.createMIMEEntity();
var header:NotesMIMEHeader = body.createHeader("Content-Type");
header = body.createHeader("Subject");
header.setHeaderVal("MIME message");
header = body.createHeader("To");
// Create preamble
body.setPreamble("Preamble to multipart message.\n");
// Create first child entity
var child:NotesMIMEEntity = body.createChildEntity();
stream.writeText("Text of message for child 1.\n");
child.setContentFromText(stream, "text/plain", NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_NONE);
// Create second child entity
child = body.createChildEntity();
stream.writeText("Text of message for child 2.\n");
child.setContentFromText(stream, "text/plain", NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_NONE);
// Restore conversion