Example: JavaMethod class

This script prints out the number of toString methods belonging to the java.lang.Integer class.

Dim mySession As JavaSession
Dim myClass As JavaClass
Dim myMCollection As JavaMethodCollection
Dim Count As Integer

Set mySession = new JavaSession()

' Get Java "java.lang.Integer" class
Set myClass = mySession.GetClass("java/lang/Integer")

' Get a list of all methods belonging
' to the java.lang.Integer class
Set myMCollection = myClass.getClassMethods()

Count = 0
ForAll m in myMCollection
	If m.MethodName = "toString" Then
		Count = Count + 1
	End If
End ForAll
MessageBox "There are " & Count & " instances of the toString _
	method in the method collection for java.lang.Integer"