Naming a range

Make formulas easier to write and understand by naming important cell ranges and using the names in place of range addresses in formulas.


  1. In an open spreadsheet, drag to select the range you want to name.
  2. Click Insert > Named Range > New Range.
  3. Enter a range name.
    • You must start a range name with a letter, backslash (\), or underscore (_). Do not start with a number, or the words "true" or "false". A range name can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Do not include any spaces in the name.
    • Do not use the letters "r" or "c" by themselves as a name, as these letters are shortcut keys in IBM® Connections Docs spreadsheets. Do not create names that look like cell addresses, such as Q2 or FY98. Do not give your range a name like "A1:B2" or "R1C1:R2C2", which already refers to a specific range on your spreadsheet and which may be misinterpreted as such by IBM Docs spreadsheets.
    • Names are not case-sensitive. The range name must be greater than zero characters, but less than 256 characters.
  4. If you did not yet specify the address the range refers to, take one of the following actions:
    • With the New Range window still open, drag in the sheet to select the range. The range address is displayed automatically in the Refers to field.
    • Manually enter the range address in the Refers to field.
  5. Click OK.