Failed to return to library when the Back to Library button is clicked in IBM Connections Docs

Troubleshoot the problem that users are unable to return to the community library by clicking the Back to Library button in IBM Docs.


In a community library, edit a document in IBM Docs. When the Back to Library button is clicked, an error page is displayed. If IBM Content Navigator (ICN) is installed in the environment, clicking the Back to Library button will go to ICN instead of the library.


The property TeamspaceURL, FNCSDocumentURL, FNCSDraftURL is missing from the CMIS extensions for the document.

Resolving the problem

  1. On the server where FNCMIS is installed, locate the folder ${WAS_ROOT}\profiles\AppSrv01\installedApps\${CellName}\navigator.ear\fncmis.war\WEB-INF\classes and find the file. Add or revise the following properties:
    Note: Make sure the following properties are set:
    • ${CMIS_SERVER} is the server name of the FNCMIS service. Usually it is the IHS.
    • ${CMIS_PORT} is the port of FNCMIS server. It could be ignored if ${CMIS_SERVER} is an IHS server.
  2. Repeat step 1 for all nodes.
  3. Restart the cluster of FNCMIS.