Upgrading Viewer Application

Do a silent upgrade of the HCL File Viewer application.

Before you begin

The steps are based on Linux, but are basically the same for Windows. Note that you need to upgrade the File Viewer on only one node in the cluster, as this makes all the configuration and other upgrade files available to any additional File Viewer nodes in the cluster. The File Viewer can also be upgraded from the WebSphere Deployment Manager node. If you upgrade from the Deployment Manager, ensure that the Deployment Manager node has access to the viewer_share.

You must back up your ${WAS_ROOT}/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/${CellName}/IBMDocs-config/viewer-config.json if you have customized values for certain settings. After upgrading, merge your customization back because the settings might be lost.

Before upgrading the File Viewer application, you must upgrade the Document Format Conversion server. Otherwise, you must restart the single server or cluster server again after upgrading the Document Format Conversion server.


  1. Extract the installation files:
    1. Log into the server where Viewer Application is installed with an administrative account.
    2. Extract native/Viewer_2.0.2.zip to /opt/install/Docs/Viewer.
  2. Update the cfg.properties file:
    1. Open the cfg.properties file for the previous release in a text editor such as gedit or nano on the first node:
      • gedit /opt/IBM/IBMViewer/cfg.properties
    2. Review and update as necessary the parameters in the file. Suggested default values are provided in the following table:
      Table 1. Default values for file
      Field Value
      shared_data_dir /opt/IBM/viewer_data
      was_install_root /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
      was_soap_port 8879
      conversion_url (Needs to point to the IBM HTTP Server pool) /opt/IBM/ConnectionsData/files/upload Note: Leave blank if running from a Connections Server
      files_path NFSCLIENT_CONNECTIONSDATA_LINUX, for example, /opt/IBM/ConnectionsData/files/upload
      editor_installed Yes
      scope Cluster
      scope_name IBMViewerCluster
      node_name <Leave blank because using cluster>
      browser_cache No
      enabled_print No
      auth_type FORM
      auth_host <Leave blank because using FORM>
      multi_tenancy false
      viewer_install_root /opt/IBM/IBMViewer
      housekeeping_frequency weekly
      Note: This parameter is no longer used in 1.0.6. You must remove it from the property file.
      housekeeping_age_threshold_of_rendition_latest_version 30
      housekeeping_size_threshold_of_rendition_cache 256
      convert_on_upload Yes to enable, No to disable
    3. Save the file and close the editor.
  3. Run the upgrade:
    1. Open a terminal window in the root account.
    2. Navigate to the directory /opt/install/Docs/Viewer/installer.
    3. Run the following command: ./upgrade.sh -installRoot /opt/IBM/IBMViewer.
    4. A license agreement is displayed. If you accept the agreement, press the "a" key and then press Enter.
    5. When prompted, enter your WebSphere Application Server credentials. Suggested default values for your credentials are provided in the following table:
      Table 2. WebSphere® Application Server credentials
      Field Value
      WAS Administrative Username wasadmin
      WAS Administrator password password
    6. When the upgrade is finished, the command prompt is displayed. If an error occurred with the upgrade process, the configuration is reverted. Correct the error and try again.
    7. Check the viewer_upgrade.log file for errors. The log file is in the /opt/IBM/IBMViewer/logs directory.
      1. You can set the following option for the upgrade scripts:
        • -h: Displays help for the installation arguments.
      2. Make sure that there is a target WebSphere Application Server profile. If there is no default profile, change the target profile to the default one.
      3. For the File Viewer application, if the previous cfg.properties file needs updating, a new file named cfg.properties.latest will be generated in viewer_install_root. The updated options are automatically merged into this file. You only need to configure the missing options and replace the cfg.properties file with the cfg.properties.latest file.
  4. New in release 1.0.6: If you want to limit access to the File Viewer to a subset of your users (similar to the capability available in previous releases for HCL Docs entitlement), you can enable File Viewer entitlement.
    For more information, see the topic Enabling File Viewer entitlement.