Upgrading the Document Format Conversion Application

You must finish upgrading the Document Format Conversion Application before upgrading HCL Docs.


  1. Extract the installation files:
    1. Log into the server where Document Format Conversion Server installed with an administrative account.
    2. Extract native/DocsConversion_2.0.2.zip to C:\install\Docs\DocsConversion.
  2. Update the cfg.properties file:
    1. Using Windows Explorer on the first node, open the cfg.properties file from the installed previous release in a text editor: C:\IBM\IBMConversion\cfg.properties
    2. Review and update as necessary the parameters from the previous release. Suggested default values are provided in the following table.
      Table 1. Default values for file
      Field Value
      conversion_install_root C:\IBM\IBMConversion
      docs_shared_storage_type ⋆ nfs
      viewer_shared_storage_type nfs
      docs_shared_storage_local_path W:
      docs_shared_storage_remote_server ⋆ DocsLab01.example.com
      viewer_shared_storage_remote_server DocsLab01.example.com
      docs_shared_storage_remote_path ⋆ /nfs/docs_data
      conversion_shared_data_timeout -1
      conversion_shared_data_timeout_retry -1
      viewer_shared_storage_local_path Y:
      viewer_shared_storage_remote_path /nfs/viewer_data
      was_install_root C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
      was_soap_port 8879
      scope Cluster
      scope_name IBMConversionCluster
      node_name <Leave blank>
      sym_count 4
      sym_start_port 8100
      software_mode Premise
      non_job_mgr_mode True
      Note: Be sure to use the default values for the docs_shared_storage_type, docs_shared_storage_remote_server, and docs_shared_storage_remote_path parameters. There are no new or modified parameters in Release 2.0.2.
    3. Save the file and close the editor.
  3. Upgrade the first node. For a single server or the first node in a Conversion cluster, begin the following steps from the Conversion node itself, not from the Deployment Manager node:
    1. Open a command prompt with administrator rights.
    2. Navigate to the path:
      • C:\install\Docs\DocsConversion\installer
    3. Run the following command:
      • upgrade.bat -installRoot C:\IBM\IBMConversion
    4. A license agreement is displayed. If you accept the agreement, press the A key and then press Enter.
    5. When prompted, enter your WebSphere Application Server credentials. Suggested values for your credentials are provided in the following table:
      Table 2. WebSphere® Application Server credentials
      Field Value
      WAS Administrative Username wasadmin
      WAS Administrator password password
    6. When the upgrade is finished, the command prompt is displayed. If an error occurred with the installation process, the configuration reverses. Correct the error and try again.
    7. Check the conversion_upgrade.log file for errors. If conversion-config.json or some WebSphere Application Server settings are upgraded, detailed upgrade information is in conversion_config_upgrade.log and was_config_upgrade.log. The logs can be found in the C:\IBM\IBMConversion\logs directory.
    1. You can set the following option to upgrade scripts:
      • -h: Displays help for the installation arguments.
    2. If you get an error message, such as The config file *** is out of date. The following options are missing: ***, see the cfg.properties.sample file that is in the same location as this script. To upgrade the config file, update C:\IBM\IBMConversion\cfg.properties with the missing options identified in the message.
    3. You might see the following error message in the conversionUpgrade log: Some old OSGi bundles are not removed in WAS plugin folder. This problem can occur if Deployment Manager or another server is active on this node when the upgrade is attempted. Ignoring this error will not affect other applications that are running on this node. However, to avoid further conflicts, it is best to manually remove the older versions of the JAR file com.ibm.symphony.conversion.jarname_version.jar after you stop all WebSphere Application Servers and the node agent.
  4. Upgrade subsequent nodes. Perform the steps outlined for the following servers: IBMConversionCluster_DocsWin02
    1. For subsequent node installations, copy the cfg.properties file from the primary node to the C:\IBM\IBMConversion directory on each of the subsequent nodes and rename it cfg.node.properties. If a cfg.node.properties file already exists, rename it cfg.node.properties.bak before making the copy.
    2. Run the upgrade_node.bat -installRoot C:\IBM\IBMConversion command from the installation directory.
    3. Follow the prompts.