Special steps when an upgrade to HCL Docs 2.0 occurs before that to Connections 5.5 and 6.0

After upgrading to HCL Docs 2.0, if you migrate or upgrade to HCL Connections 5.5 or 6.0, you must do some additional steps to ensure that HCL Docs 2.0 is working well.

Before you begin

Before uninstalling Connections 5.5 or 5.0, export application artifacts from the deployment. See Exporting application artifacts from Connections 5.0 or 5.5 in the Connections 6.0 online product documentation.

About this task

If you migrated to Connections 5.5 or 6.0, you must install HCL Docs 2.0 on the new hardware. Make sure that you follow all the procedures in the Migrating to HCL Docs 2.0.1 section in this guide.

If you upgraded to Connections 5.5 in place, complete the following procedure:


  1. Check and configure the Editor and Viewer extension jars.
    1. Locate the path for the Connections provisions. From the WebSphere Application Server console, click Environment > WebSphere variables and search for CONNECTIONS_PROVISION_PATH.
    2. Confirm that com.ibm.concord.viewer.lcfiles.extension.<build_number>.jar and com.ibm.concord.lcfiles.extension.<build-number>.jar exist in <CONNECTIONS_PROVISION_PATH>/webresources. If these jars do not exist, get them from the HCL Docs 2.0 installation package and put them in the <CONNECTIONS_PROVISION_PATH>/webresources directory.
      • com.ibm.concord.viewer.lcfiles.extension.<build_number>.jar is in <HCL Docs 2.0 installer>\ IBMConnectionsDocs-repo\native\ DocsLCExtension_2.0.0.zip\Concord_LC35_OSGIExtension.zip.
      • com.ibm.concord.lcfiles.extension.<build-number>.jar is in <HCL Docs 2.0 installer>\ IBMConnectionsDocs-repo\native\ViewerLCCustomizeApp_2.0.0.zip\Viewer_LC35_OSGIExtension.zip.
  2. Check and configure DocsDaemonLib and ViewerDaemonLib.
    1. From the WebSphere Application Server console, click Environment > Shared libraries.
    2. Confirm that DocsDaemonLib and ViewerDaemonLib are there. If they do not exist, create the shared libraries for the daemons as follows:
      1. From the WebSphere Application Server console, click Environment > Shared libraries.
      2. Select a scope for the cell used for Connections.
      3. Click New.
      4. Enter a name for the HCL Docs daemon, for example, DocsDaemonLib.
      5. Specify a classpath to the shared library location where you put the com.ibm.docs.lcfiles.daemon.jar file, for example, <Connections Shared data folder>/library.
      6. Click OK, and then click Save.
      7. Click New again.
      8. Enter a name for the File Viewer daemon, for example, ViewerDaemonLib.
      9. Specify a classpath to the shared library location where you put the com.ibm.concord.viewer.lcfiles.daemon.jar file, for example, <Connections Shared data folder>/library.
      10. Click OK, and then click Save.
    3. Make sure com.ibm.docs.lcfiles.daemon.jar and com.ibm.concord.viewer.lcfiles.daemon.jar are under the classpath defined in DocsDaemonLib and ViewerDaemonLib in step b. If not, put them there manually.
      • com.ibm.docs.lcfiles.daemon.jar is in <IBM Docs 2.0 installer>\IBMConnectionsDocs-repo\native\DocsLCExtension_2.0.0.zip.
      • com.ibm.concord.viewer.lcfiles.daemon.jar is in <HCL Docs 2.0 installer>\IBMConnectionsDocs-repo\native\ ViewerLCCustomizeApp_2.0.0.zip.
  3. Associate the shared libraries with the News application.
    1. From the WebSphere Application Server console, click Applications > Applications Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
    2. Find and click the News application.
    3. Under References, click Shared library references.
    4. From the Shared Library Mapping for Modules window, select the News application and click the Reference shared libraries button.
    5. Select the HCL Docs and Viewer shared libraries (DocsDaemonLib and ViewerDaemonLib), and move them to the other side of the window.
    6. Click OK. and then click Save.
  4. In the WebSphere Application Server administrative console, map a user to the app-connector role for Files. This user is used by HCL Docs to communicate with Files.
    Note: If you are mapping a user other than the default Connections administrator associated with the J2C Alias connections Admin, ensure that this user is also assigned as an administrator.
    1. Log in to the WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager administrative console from the browser.
    2. Click Applications > Applications Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
    3. Click the Files application.
    4. Click the security role for user/group mapping.
    5. Select app-connector. Click Map users.
    6. Type the ID that you are using for the HCL Docs administrator, and click search.
    7. Select the name from the available column and click the right arrow to move the name to the selected column.
    8. Click OK, and then click OK again to close the security role mapping screen.
    9. Save the changes to the master configuration.
  5. Import the ibmdocs.xml file if it does not exist.
    1. In a terminal window, start the wsadmin administrative interface from the Deployment Manager. When prompted, specify your WebSphere Application Server credentials:
      • cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin
      • ./wsadmin.sh –lang jython
    2. Run the following command to verify that the object was imported:
      • execfile(filesAdmin.py)
    3. Use FilesObjectTypeService.browseTypes() to look for the local name of the returned types to see whether ibmdocs.xml is there. If so, do not import it again. If it is not there, run the following commands to import the object type:
      • FilesObjectTypeService.importType(/opt/IBM/Connections/data/shared/customization/objecttypes/ibmdocs.xml)
        Note: You must specify the full path to the ibmdocs.xml file: <IBM Docs 2.0 installer>\IBMConnectionsDocs-repo\native\DocsLCExtension_2.0.0.zip\config\.
      • FilesObjectTypeService.browseTypes() (Confirm that the object type was successfully imported.)
  6. Register HCL Docs in HCL Connections News. See Registering HCL Docs in Connections News in this guide.
  7. Import application artifacts to the new deployment. See Importing application artifacts to Connections 5.5 in the Connections online product documentation.
  8. Complete the following steps to check that all HCL Docs-related configurations are in the HCL Connections configuration files.
    1. Locate the WebSphere install root for the Connections cells. From the WebSphere Application Server console, click Environment > WebSphere variables and search for the WAS_INSTALL_ROOT directory for the Deployment Manager.
    2. Verify that the LotusConnections-config.xml file is in <WAS_INSTALL_ROOT>/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/<cellName>/LotusConnections-config. Make sure that the configuration for Docs and Viewer is the same as the following content, which is from <Connections config backup folder>/LotusConnections-config.xml, for example, <Connection Install Root>/migration/work/export/config/events-config.xml.
      <sloc:serviceReference bootstrapHost="" bootstrapPort="" clusterName="" enabled="false" 
      serviceName="docs" ssl_enabled="false">
            <sloc:static href="admin_replace" ssl_href="admin_replace"/>
            <sloc:interService href="admin_replace"/>
      <sloc:serviceReference bootstrapHost="admin_replace" bootstrapPort="admin_replace" 
      clusterName="" enabled="false" serviceName="viewer" ssl_enabled="false">
             <sloc:static href="admin_replace" ssl_href="admin_replace"/>
             <sloc:interService href="admin_replace"/>
    3. Verify that the events-config.xml file is in <WAS_INSTALL_ROOT>/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/<cellName>/LotusConnections-config. If following content is not in events-config.xml, copy and paste the part from <Connections config backup folder>/events-config.xml, for example, <Connection Install Root>/migration/work/export/config/events-config.xml.
           <postHandler enabled='true' 
      	     <postHandler enabled='true' 
      class='com.ibm.docs.lcfiles.daemon.handlers.DocsEventHandler' invoke='ASYNC' 
    4. Verify that the files-url-config.xml file is in <WAS_INSTALL_ROOT>/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/<cellName>/LotusConnections-config. If the following content is not in files-url-config.xml, copy and paste the part from <Connections config backup folder>/files-url-config.xml, for example, <Connection Install Root>/migration/work/export/config/files-url-config.xml.
      <objectType name="ibmdocs:file" 
        <property name="server.port.http" value="[default port, like 80] "/>
        <property name="server.port.https" value="[ssl port, like 443]"/>
        <property name="link.custom" value="/docs/app/doc/lcfiles/{fileId}/editorview/content"/>
    5. Verify that the files-config.xml file is in <WAS_INSTALL_ROOT>/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/<cellName>/LotusConnections-config. If following content is not in files-config.xml, add it manually.
        <objectType id="00000000-00000-0000-0001-00000000000000">
          <action enabled="true" name="uploadNewVersion"/>
          <action enabled="true" name="download"/>
          <action enabled="false" name="downloadEmptyFile"/>
          <action enabled="true" name="restoreVersion"/>
    6. Disable the Open this File feature. In Files, a user, when downloading a file, can open it directly in the browser instead of saving it. Whether the file can be opened is determined by local applications. When HCL Docs and Viewer are enabled, Open this File is not needed because users can open the file withHCL Docs or Viewer. There are two ways to disable the feature:
      • To disable the feature for all files, set <inlineDownload enabled="false"/> in files-config.xml.
      • To disable the feature for a file type, set openFromWeb="false" for the corresponding MIME type in mime-files-config.xml, for example, <mapping mediaType="document" mimeType="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"><extension openFromWeb="false">odt</extension></mapping>
    7. If the Connections shared data path has changed, you must complete the following actions:
      • Locate the files upload folder for Connections. From the WebSphere Application Server console, click Environment > WebSphere variables and search for FILES_CONTENT_DIR.
      • Edit the JSON files in <WAS_INSTALL_ROOT>/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/<cellName>/IBMDocs-config/viewer-config.json. Replace files_path with the value of FILES_CONTENT_DIR.
                          "id" : "lcfiles",
                          "class" : "com.ibm.concord.viewer.lc3.repository.LCFilesCMISRepository",
                                "config" :
                                     "files_path" : "/home/LCData/shared/files/upload",
                                     "server_url" : "https://<hostname>/files",
                                     "s2s_method" : "j2c_alias",
                                     "j2c_alias" : "connectionsAdmin"
      Note: If you install HCL Docs 2.0 CR2 or above, you can ignore this step.
  9. Sync all nodes, and then restart Deployment Manager and all node agents and application servers.