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Using ImagePullSecrets

To use a container image registry that has access restrictions and requires credentials, you need to leverage ImagePullSecrets in your deployment. Refer to the Kubernetes Documentation for additional information on this topic.

In addition, reference your Cloud Provider documentation on how to create ImagePullSecrets.


Ensure that the ImagePullSecret has been created in the same namespace that your DX deployment is installed to.

Configure deployment to use ImagePullSecrets

In order for the HCL Digital Experience 9.5 deployment to leverage ImagePullSecrets you need to adjust your custom-values.yaml file to include the following syntax:

 - name: regcred         

The name regcred can be different, depending on how you have created your ImagePullSecret and how it is named. Ensure that you reference the correct name in the configuration.

It is assume that you have moved the HCL Digital Experience 9.5 images to your registry; make sure it is also configured properly in your custom-values.yaml:

  repository: "your-repo:port"                

All pods created now have that secret configured for pulling DX container images.

Last update: March 31, 2022