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DX Kubernetes Support Matrix

View the latest Kubernetes and platforms tested and supported for specific HCL Digital Experience 9.5 Container Update deployments.


Beginning with HCL Digital Experience 9.5 Container Update CF200, HCL has discontinued releasing the HCL Digital Experience (DX) Operator-based deployments and will provide support only for Helm-based deployments. There will be no further updates or code fixes provided for the Operator-based deployments. HCL requires all customers to migrate to Helm-based deployments for their DX installations. HCL will work with our customers as they transition from Operator-based to Helm-based deployments. For more information on the migration process, see Migrating from Operator-based to Helm-based deployments.

HCL encourages customers to remain up-to-date on the latest DX and Kubernetes releases. As a result, DX will provide all fixes on the latest release. Customers may be asked to upgrade to the latest DX release to assist with problem determination.

Kubernetes platform support policy:

  • HCL DX 9.5 CF200 and later is architected to run on any Certified Kubernetes platform (, provided that,

  • Internally, HCL tests DX against a range of Kubernetes platforms that is regularly reviewed and updated, with the intent of staying up-to-date as possible. We do not test with every single platform vendor, but aim to cover a representative sample of popular Kubernetes implementations. See Table 1 for the list of Kubernetes Platforms that HCL has tested with.

Table 1: Tested Kubernetes Platforms on Full Container Deployment

This table provides information about the sample Kubernetes Platforms that are tested with DX.

Kubernetes platforms on full deployments Kubernetes platforms on hybrid deployments
- Amazon EKS
- Google GKE
- Microsoft Azure AKS
- Red Hat OpenShift
- Amazon EKS / AWS EC2
Red Hat OpenShift on AWS / AWS EC2

Kubernetes Version Support Policy

The list of Kubernetes versions that are tested and supported by HCL are included in Table 2.

- From time-to-time, platform providers may release previews of upcoming Kubernetes versions. We will not provide support for those versions. 
- If you encounter any issue on an unsupported or untested Kubernetes version, you may be asked to install a supported level.

Table 2: Tested and supported Kubernetes versions on Full Container Deployment

This table provides information the about the Kubernetes versions that are tested and supported in DX CF releases.


Review your chosen Kubernetes Platform and ensure that it supports the following Kubernetes Versions:

CF Level Kubernetes versions
!CF203 Kube 1.21
Kube 1.20
Kube 1.19
CF202 Kube 1.21
Kube 1.21
CF201 Kube 1.21
Kube 1.20
Kube 1.21
Relation information:
- [Operator-based deployments](../kubernetes/operator-based/

Last update: April 22, 2022