Preparing to uninstall

You must prepare your system before you uninstall your HCL Digital Experience environment. For example, add passwords to the properties files. You must also decide to keep or discard the database information.

Important: You must issue the removeNode command to unfederate a node before uninstalling because HCL Digital Experience cannot uninstall a federated node.


  1. Make a backup of the HCL Digital Experience configuration. Use the XML Configuration Interface.
    Important: If you delete the database, the following information is not backed up and is deleted:
    • User attributes that are stored in the database and not in the user registry.
    • Credential data that is stored in the default vault implementation.
  2. Complete the following steps to remove a node from the cell in a clustered environment:
    Note: Removing a HCL Digital Experience node from the cell does not affect the cluster definition that you originally created for your cluster. The cluster definition remains intact even after you remove all HCL Digital Experience nodes from the cell. In addition, removing a HCL Digital Experience node from the cell does not remove the product's enterprise applications from the deployment manager. The enterprise applications remain and continue to be associated with the cluster definition.
    1. Log on to the Deployment Manager WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.
    2. Go to Servers > WebSphere application server clusters > cluster_name > Cluster members, where cluster_name is the name of your cluster, click the server that you want to stop, and then click Stop.