Forum-related profiles | HCL Digital Experience

These profiles provide access to HCL Connections forum-related feed data for forums, forum topics, and forum topic replies profiles.

Forums profile

The forums profile provides access to HCL Connections forums feed data. It declares the following attribute names:
Author's email address
This attribute references the email address of the author of the social object.
Author's ID
This attribute references the internal ID of the author of the social object. It represents the author ID from the HCL Connections server where the social object is stored.
Author's image URL
This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the author of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the author. This attribute contains a URL where you can download the image either directly from HCL Connections or by using the Ajax proxy of the portal. For more information about this attribute, read Configuring globally how social object data is served. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector (DDC) for HCL Portal plug-in.
Author's name
You can use this attribute to include the name of the author of the social object in the design of a social list.
Author's object ID
This attribute references the serialized object ID of the author of the social object. In contrast to the authorID attribute, the authorObjectID attribute represents an ID that is used by HCL Portal rather than by HCL Connections. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Author's UID
This attribute specifies the value of the UID attribute of the author of the social object. This value reflects the UID user attribute as defined by the user repository of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
body HTML
The HTML content of this item.
Body plain
body plain
The plain content of this item.
Body content type
This attribute specifies the content type identifier for the body attribute of this item.
Can create topic
If the user can create topics for the current forum (community forum or stand-alone forum), this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
If the user can create topics for this community forum, this attribute returns the string CanPostTopic. Otherwise, it returns an empty string. This function includes stand-alone forums.
Raw community Atom entry URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the Atom entry that represents the community that contains this forum. This attribute is empty for stand-alone forums.
UUID of the associated community
If the current forum is a community forum. This attribute specifies the UUID of the community that contains the forum. If the current forum is not contained in a community, this attribute is empty.
Feed entry
The original feed entry of this item.
Atom feed URL
This attribute specifies the URL of the Atom entry that represents this forum. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
The unique identifier for this item.
Is community forum
If this forum is a community forum, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
Is locked
If this forum is locked, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
View URL
This attribute specifies the URL that points to the details view of this forum. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Member list
This attribute lists the members of this forum.
Raw member list link
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the members feed of this forum.
Is moderated
If the moderation feature is enabled for the current forum, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
Number of topics
This attribute specifies the number of forum topics that exist in this forum.
Author's portal image URL
This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the author of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the author. This attribute contains a URL where you can download the image from HCL Connections by using the Ajax proxy of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Author's portal URL
This attribute specifies the link for rendering the details view of the author of this item in the context of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Portal Atom Feed URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Portal URL of the Atom entry that represents this forum. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Portal view URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Portal URL that points to the details view of this forum. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Published date
This attribute indicates the time when the social object was published. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.
Author's raw Atom entry URL
Link to the Atom entry that represents the author of this item. This URL directly addresses the HCL Connections server. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Author's raw image URL
This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the author of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the author. This attribute contains a URL for downloading the image directly from HCL Connections. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Raw replies URL for community forums
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the replies feed for this community forum. This feed includes data about access rights for creating topics. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Raw Atom entry URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the Atom entry that represents this forum.
Raw view URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL that points to the details view of this forum.
Raw replies URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the replies feed for this forum.
This attribute specifies the summary description of this forum.
This attribute specifies the tags that are associated with this item.
The title of this item.
This attribute specifies the type of this forum.
Updated date
This attribute indicates the time of the last update of the social object. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.
In addition to these attributes, the forums profile also provides access to the following list properties:
Updated date
This list property indicates the time of the last update of the list that is represented by the feed at hand. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.
Raw URL to this feed
This list property specifies the link to this feed.
Feed title
This list property specifies the link to this feed.
Total Number of Items
This list property specifies the total number of items that were found for this search.
Requested Number of Items
This list property specifies the requested number of items for this search.
Start Index
This list property specifies the start index for the paged list of items.
Raw first URL
This list property specifies the HCL Connections URL of the first page of items that were found for this search.
Raw next URL
This list property specifies the HCL Connections URL of the next page of items that were found for this search.
Raw previous URL
This list property specifies the HCL Connections URL of the previous page of items that were found for this search.
Raw last URL
This list property specifies the HCL Connections URL of the last page of items that are found for this search.
Is truncated
If the list that represents a search result is truncated, this list property returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
Raw tags link
This attribute specifies the URL of the Atom resource that represents the tag cloud of this forum.

Forum topics profile

The forum topics profile provides access to HCL Connections forum topics feed data. It declares the following attribute names:
Author's email address
This attribute references the email address of the author of the social object.
Author's ID
This attribute references the internal ID of the author of the social object. It represents the author ID from the HCL Connections server where the social object is stored.
Author's image URL
This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the author of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the author. This attribute contains a URL where you can download the image either directly from HCL Connections or by using the Ajax proxy of the portal. For more information about this attribute, read Configuring globally how social object data is served. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Author's name
You can use this attribute to include the name of the author of the social object in the design of a social list.
Author's object ID
This attribute references the serialized object ID of the author of the social object. In contrast to the authorID attribute, the authorObjectID attribute represents an ID that is used by HCL Portal rather than by HCL Connections. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Author's UID
This attribute specifies the value of the UID attribute of the author of the social object. This value reflects the UID user attribute as defined by the user repository of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
body HTML
The HTML content of this item.
Body plain
body plain
The plain content of this item.
Body content type
This attribute specifies the content type identifier for the body attribute of this item.
Can create reply
If the current user has permission to reply to this forum topic, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Can create reply
If the current user has permission to delete this forum topic, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Feed entry
The original feed entry of this item.
Atom entry URL
This attribute specifies the URL of the Atom entry that represents this forum topic. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
The unique identifier for this item.
Is Answered question
If this forum topic is a question and the question was answered, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
Is topic locked
If this forum topic is locked, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
Is question
If this forum topic is a question, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
View URL
This attribute specifies the URL that points to the details view of this forum. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Number of Likes
This attribute specifies the number of people who like this forum topic.
Number of replies
This attribute specifies the number of replies that exist for this forum topic.
This attribute specifies the permissions that the current user was granted on the current forum topic.
Author's portal image URL
This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the author of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the author. This attribute contains a URL where you can download the image from HCL Connections by using the Ajax proxy of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Author's portal URL
This attribute specifies the link for rendering the details view of the author of this item in the context of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Portal Atom entry URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Portal URL of the Atom entry that represents this forum topic. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Portal view URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Portal URL that points to the details view of this forum. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Published date
This attribute indicates the time when the social object was published. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.
Author's raw Atom entry URL
Link to the Atom entry that represents the author of this item. This URL directly addresses the HCL Connections server. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Author's raw image URL
This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the author of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the author. This attribute contains a URL for downloading the image directly from HCL Connections. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Raw edit URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the entry that makes it possible to edit this forum topic.
Raw Atom entry URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the Atom entry that represents this forum topic.
Raw likes edit URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the entry that makes it possible to edit the liked status of this forum topic.
Raw view URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL that points to the details view of this forum.
Raw Replies URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the replies feed for this forum topic.
A summary of the content of this item.
This attribute specifies the tags that are associated with this item.
The title of this item.
This attribute specifies the type information for this forum topic.
Updated date
This attribute indicates the time of the last update of the social object. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.
User likes
If this forum topic is liked by the current user, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
In addition to these attributes, the forum topics profile also provides access to the following list properties:
Updated date
This list property indicates the time of the last update of the list that is represented by the feed at hand. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.
Raw URL to this feed
This list property specifies the link to this feed.
Feed title
This list property specifies the link to this feed.
Total Number of Items
This list property specifies the total number of items that were found for this search.
Requested Number of Items
This list property specifies the requested number of items for this search.
Start Index
This list property specifies the start index for the paged list of items.
Raw first URL
This list property specifies the HCL Connections URL of the first page of items that were found for this search.
Raw next URL
This list property specifies the HCL Connections URL of the next page of items that were found for this search.
Raw previous URL
This list property specifies the HCL Connections URL of the previous page of items that were found for this search.
Raw last URL
This list property specifies the HCL Connections URL of the last page of items that are found for this search.
Is truncated
If the list that represents a search result is truncated, this list property returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
Raw tags link
This attribute specifies the URL of the Atom resourceS that represents the tag cloud of this list of forum topics.

Forum topic replies profile

The forum topic replies profile provides access to HCL Connections forum topic replies feed data. It declares the following attribute names:
Answer flag element
This attribute represents the feed element that indicates whether or not a forum topic reply is marked as the answer to a question.
Author's email address
This attribute references the email address of the author of the social object.
Author's ID
This attribute references the internal ID of the author of the social object. It represents the author ID from the HCL Connections server where the social object is stored.
Author's image URL
This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the author of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the author. This attribute contains a URL where you can download the image either directly from HCL Connections or by using the Ajax proxy of the portal. For more information about this attribute, read Configuring globally how social object data is served. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Author's name
You can use this attribute to include the name of the author of the social object in the design of a social list.
Author's object ID
This attribute references the serialized object ID of the author of the social object. In contrast to the authorID attribute, the authorObjectID attribute represents an ID that is used by HCL Portal rather than by HCL Connections. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Author's UID
This attribute specifies the value of the UID attribute of the author of the social object. This value reflects the UID user attribute as defined by the user repository of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
body HTML
The HTML content of this item.
Body plain
body plain
The plain content of this item.
Body content type
This attribute specifies the content type identifier for the body attribute of this item.
Can accept answer
If the current user has permission to accept this forum topic reply as the answer to the forum topic question, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
Can create reply
If the current user has permission to reply on this forum topic reply, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Can decline answer
If the current user has permission to decline that this forum topic reply answers the forum topic question, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
Can delete reply
If the current user has permission to delete this forum topic reply, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Feed entry
The original feed entry of this item.
The unique identifier for this item.
Is answer
If this forum topic reply was marked as an answer to the question, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
Is deleted
If this forum topic reply was deleted, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
Modifier's email address
This attribute references the email address of the modifier of the social object.
Modifier's ID
This attribute references the internal ID of the modifier of the social object.
Modifier's image URL
This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the modifier of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the modifier. This attribute contains a URL from which users can download the image either directly from HCL Connections or by using the Ajax proxy of the portal. For more information about this attribute, read Configuring globally how social object data is served.This attribute is computed by the social rendering bean list provider plug-in.
Modifier's name
You can use this attribute to include the name of the modifier of the social object in the design of a social list.
Modifier's object ID
This attribute references the serialized object ID of the modifier of the social object. In contrast to the modifierID attribute, the modifierObjectID attribute represents an ID that is used by HCL Portal rather than by HCL Connections. This attribute is computed by the social rendering bean list provider plug-in.
Modifier's UID
This attribute specifies the value of the UID attribute of the modifier of the social object. This value reflects the UID user attribute as defined by the user repository of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering bean list provider plug-in.
Nesting level
This attribute specifies the nesting level of this forum topic reply. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Number of attachments
This attribute specifies the number of attachments that were been uploaded for this reply.
Number of nesting levels to close
This attribute returns the delta between the nesting levels of the previous forum topic reply and the current forum topic reply. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Number of Likes
This attribute specifies the number of people who like this forum topic reply.
Number of replies
This attribute specifies the number of replies that were posted to this forum topic reply.
This attribute specifies the permissions that the current user was granted on the current forum topic reply.
Author's portal image URL
This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the author of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the author. This attribute contains a URL where you can download the image from HCL Connections by using the Ajax proxy of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Author's portal URL
This attribute specifies the link for rendering the details view of the author of this item in the context of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Published date
This attribute indicates the time when the social object was published. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.
Author's raw Atom entry URL
Link to the Atom entry that represents the author of this item. This URL directly addresses the HCL Connections server. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Author's raw image URL
This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the author of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the author. This attribute contains a URL for downloading the image directly from HCL Connections. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Raw edit URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the entry that makes it possible to edit this forum reply.
Raw Atom entry URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the Atom entry that represents this forum topic reply.
Raw likes edit URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the entry that makes it possible to edit the liked status of this forum topic reply.
Modifier's raw Atom entry URL
Link to the Atom entry that represents the modifier of this item. This URL addresses the HCL Connections server directly. This attribute is computed by the social rendering bean list provider plug-in.
Modifier's raw image URL
This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the modifier of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the modifier. This attribute contains a URL for downloading the image directly from HCL Connections. This attribute is computed by the social rendering bean list provider plug-in.
Modifier's portal image URL
This attribute specifies the link to the profile image of the modifier of the social object. The HCL Connections server that provides the social object also stores the profile image of the modifier. This attribute contains a URL where you can download the image from HCL Connections by using the Ajax proxy of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Modifier's portal URL
This attribute specifies the link for rendering the details view of the modifier of this item in the context of the portal. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Raw view replies URL
This attribute specifies the HCL Connections URL of the replies feed for this forum topic reply.
Raw type
This attribute specifies the type information for this forum topic reply as served by the HCL Connections server.
Raw type document node
This attribute selects the document node that provides type information for this forum topic reply that is served by the HCL Connections server.
Reply parent ID
This attribute specifies the internal ID of the parent object of this forum topic reply.
Requires new nesting level
If this forum topic reply is the first nested reply for the previous forum topic reply, this attribute returns the string true. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
A summary of the content of this item.
The title of this item.
This attribute specifies the normalized type information for this forum topic reply. This attribute is computed by the social rendering Digital Data Connector plug-in.
Updated date
This attribute indicates the time of the last update of the social object. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.
User likes
If this forum topic reply is liked by the current user, this attribute returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.
In addition to these attributes, the forum topic replies profile also provides access to the following list properties:
Updated date
This list property indicates the time of the last update of the list that is represented by the feed at hand. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.
Raw URL to this feed
This list property specifies the link to this feed.
Feed title
This list property specifies the link to this feed.
Total Number of Items
This list property specifies the total number of items that were found for this search.
Requested Number of Items
This list property specifies the requested number of items for this search.
Start Index
This list property specifies the start index for the paged list of items.
Raw first URL
This list property specifies the HCL Connections URL of the first page of items that were found for this search.
Raw next URL
This list property specifies the HCL Connections URL of the next page of items that were found for this search.
Raw previous URL
This list property specifies the HCL Connections URL of the previous page of items that were found for this search.
Raw last URL
This list property specifies the HCL Connections URL of the last page of items that are found for this search.
Is truncated
If the list that represents a search result is truncated, this list property returns the string true. Otherwise, it returns false.

Forums topic and reply attachments profile

The forums topic and reply attachments profile provides access to HCL Connections forums attachments feed data. It declares the following attribute names:
Attachment's size
This attribute specifies the size of the attachment in bytes.
Download URL
This attribute represents a link to this attachment. This attribute contains a URL by which users can download the attachment either directly from HCL Connections or by using the Ajax proxy of the portal. If the download link is not available, this attribute does not have a value. For more information about this attribute, read Configuring globally how social object data is served. This attribute is computed by the social rendering bean list provider plug-in.
File extension
This attribute specifies the file extension of this attachment. For example, the file extension can be .jpg, .mp3, .pdf, or empty. This attribute is computed by the social rendering bean list provider plug-in.
File type
This attribute specifies the file type of this attachment. For example, the file type can be audio, code, compressed, contact, data, flash, graphic, pdf, presentation, text, video, wordProcessing, or dataDocs. The portal sets this attribute according to the value of the fileExtension attribute. The fileType attribute value is derived from the configured file type extension mappings of the WP Connections Integration Service resource environment provider. For more information, read Configuring file type icon mappings. This attribute is computed by the social rendering bean list provider plug-in.
This attribute specifies the unique identifier for this attachment.
Mime type
This attribute specifies the mime type of this attachment.
Attachment's name
This attribute specifies the name of this attachment.
Portal download URL
This attribute represents a link to this attachment. This attribute contains a URL from which users can download the attachment by using the Ajax proxy of the portal. To download the attachment from HCL Connections without using the Ajax proxy, use the rawDownloadLink attribute instead. If the download link is not available, this attribute does not have a value. This attribute is computed by the social rendering bean list provider plug-in.
Portal thumbnail URL
This attribute represents a link to a thumbnail view of this attachment. To point to the thumbnail from HCL Connections without using the Ajax proxy, use the rawThumbnailLink attribute instead. If the thumbnail link is not available, this attribute does not have a value. This attribute is computed by the social rendering bean list provider plug-in.
Published date
This attribute indicates the time when the attachment was published. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.
Raw download URL
This attribute represents a link to this attachment. This attribute contains a URL from which users can download the attachment directly from HCL Connections. To download the attachment from HCL Connections by using the Ajax proxy of the portal, use the portalDownloadLink attribute instead. If the download link is not available, this attribute does not have a value.
Raw thumbnail URL
This attribute represents a link to a thumbnail view of this attachment. To point the thumbnail from HCL Connections by using the Ajax proxy of the portal, use the portalThumbnailLink attribute instead. If the thumbnail link is not available, this attribute does not have a value.
Thumbnail URL
This attribute represents a link to a thumbnail view of this attachment. If the thumbnail link is not available, this attribute does not have a value. For more information about this attribute, read Configuring globally how social object data is served. This attribute is computed by the social rendering bean list provider plug-in.
Updated date
This attribute indicates the time of the last update of this attachment. To display the date in the format of your choice, you can use all date format options that Web Content Manager provides.