Content Template | HCL Digital Experience

The Content Template (CTC) is a set of templates that accelerate the process of building a website. You should also install the Content Template with Site Builder so you can build sites based on Content Template components.

You can use Content Template Catalog to mock up a site quickly or to build the skeleton of a site as a basis for further development. By using the templating patterns that Content Template Catalog is built on, you can supply a customized system for your users that lets them build their own sites.

To get started, install Content Template on a development server and try customizing copies of the templates. Content Template Catalog templates are designed to allow your own templates, components, workflows, and other item types to slot into the framework easily so they can be used in conjunction with out-of-the-box Content Template Catalog assets. Experimenting with the templates will give you a good working knowledge of Content Template for your own site development. Building a prototype as you start using Content Template can drive the design process or be a starting point for development.

The Content Template templates cover many basic content types and design elements. Using these templates you can build a basic site very quickly with little or no customization. For more complex sites, Content Template allows you to rapidly move past the initial build phase and proceed to delivering real value to your customer.