Interface DocumentTypes

public interface DocumentTypes

This interface holds constants that define each of the DocumentTypes that are known to the API. These can be used wherever a DocumentType object is required.

Field Summary
static DocumentType<AbstractAuthoringTemplate> AbstractAuthoringTemplate
          The document type for AbstractAuthoringTemplate Since 8.0, there are two types of AbstractAuthoringTemplate, AuthoringTemplate and SiteAreaTemplate.
static DocumentType<AuthoringTemplate> AuthoringTemplate
          The document type for AuthoringTemplate.
static DocumentType<Category> Category
          The document type for Category
static DocumentType<Content> Content
          The document type for Content
static DocumentType<ContentLink> ContentLink
          The document type for ContentLink
static DocumentType<AuthoringTemplate> ContentTemplate
          Alias for AuthoringTemplate
static DocumentType<CustomWorkflowAction> CustomWorkflowAction
          The document type for CustomWorkflowAction
static DocumentType<DateComponent> DateComponent
          The document type for a DateComponent.
static DocumentType<DocumentManagerComponent> DocumentManagerComponent
          Deprecated. Document Manager is deprecated since 7.0
static DocumentType<> DxContentPage
          The document type for DxContentPage
static DocumentType<DxContentPageTemplate> DxContentPageTemplate
          The document type for SiteAreaTemplate
static DocumentType<> DxSymbol
          The document type for DxContentPage
static DocumentType<EmailAction> EmailAction
          The document type for EmailAction
static DocumentType<ExpireAction> ExpireAction
          The document type for ExpireAction
static DocumentType<FileComponent> FileComponent
          The document type for a FileComponent.
static DocumentType<Folder> Folder
          The document type for Folder
static DocumentType<HTMLComponent> HTMLComponent
          The document type for a HTMLComponent.
static DocumentType<ImageComponent> ImageComponent
          The document type for a ImageComponent.
static DocumentType<JSPComponent> JSPComponent
          The document type for a JSPComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryAuthoringToolsComponent> LibraryAuthoringToolsComponent
          The document type for a LibraryAuthoringToolsComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryComponent> LibraryComponent
          The document type for Library Components.
static DocumentType<LibraryDateComponent> LibraryDateComponent
          The document type for a LibraryDateComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryDocumentManagerComponent> LibraryDocumentManagerComponent
          Deprecated. Document Manager is deprecated since 7.0
static DocumentType<LibraryFileComponent> LibraryFileComponent
          The document type for a LibraryFileComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryHTMLComponent> LibraryHTMLComponent
          The document type for a LibraryHTMLComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryImageComponent> LibraryImageComponent
          The document type for a LibraryImageComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryJSPComponent> LibraryJSPComponent
          The document type for a LibraryJSPComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryLinkComponent> LibraryLinkComponent
          The document type for LibraryLinkComponent
static DocumentType<LibraryLinkComponent> LibraryListPresentationComponent
          The document type for LibraryListPresentationComponent
static DocumentType<LibraryMenuComponent> LibraryMenuComponent
          The document type for a LibraryMenuComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryNavigatorComponent> LibraryNavigatorComponent
          The document type for a LibraryNavigatorComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryNumericComponent> LibraryNumericComponent
          The document type for a LibraryNumericComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryPageNavigationComponent> LibraryPageNavigationComponent
          The document type for a LibraryPageNavigationComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryPersonalizationComponent> LibraryPersonalizationComponent
          The document type for a LibraryPersonalizationComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryReferenceComponent> LibraryReferenceComponent
          The document type for a LibraryReferenceComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryRichTextComponent> LibraryRichTextComponent
          The document type for a LibraryRichTextComponent.
static DocumentType<LibrarySearchComponent> LibrarySearchComponent
          The document type for a LibrarySearchComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryShortTextComponent> LibraryShortTextComponent
          The document type for a LibraryShortTextComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryStyleSheetComponent> LibraryStyleSheetComponent
          The document type for a LibraryStyleSheetComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryTaxonomyComponent> LibraryTaxonomyComponent
          The document type for a LibraryTaxonomyComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryTextComponent> LibraryTextComponent
          The document type for a LibraryTextComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryUserNameComponent> LibraryUserNameComponent
          The document type for a LibraryUserNameComponent.
static DocumentType<LibraryUserSelectionComponent> LibraryUserSelectionComponent
          The document type for a LibraryUserSelectionComponent.
static DocumentType<LinkComponent> LinkComponent
          The document type for a LinkComponent.
static DocumentType<NumericComponent> NumericComponent
          The document type for a NumericComponent.
static DocumentType<OptionSelectionComponent> OptionSelectionComponent
          The document type for a OptionSelectionComponent.
static DocumentType<PersonalizationItem> PersonalizationItem
          The document type for Personalization Items.
static DocumentType<PortalPage> PortalPage
          The document type for PortalPage
static DocumentType<PresentationTemplate> PresentationTemplate
          The document type for a PresentationTemplate
static DocumentType<Project> Project
          The document type for Project
static DocumentType<ProjectTemplate> ProjectTemplate
          The document type for ProjectTemplate
static DocumentType<PublishAction> PublishAction
          The document type for PublishAction
static DocumentType<ReferenceComponent> ReferenceComponent
          The document type for a ReferenceComponent.
static DocumentType<RichTextComponent> RichTextComponent
          The document type for a RichTextComponent.
static DocumentType<ScheduledMoveAction> ScheduledMoveAction
          The document type for ScheduledMoveAction
static DocumentType<Segment> Segment
          The document type for Segment
static DocumentType<ShortTextComponent> ShortTextComponent
          The document type for a ShortTextComponent.
static DocumentType<Site> Site
          Deprecated. Since 7.0, Site is replaced by SiteArea.
static DocumentType<SiteArea> SiteArea
          The document type for SiteArea
static DocumentType<SiteAreaTemplate> SiteAreaTemplate
          The document type for SiteAreaTemplate
static DocumentType<Taxonomy> Taxonomy
          The document type for Taxonomy
static DocumentType<TextComponent> TextComponent
          The document type for a TextComponent.
static DocumentType<UserSelectionComponent> UserSelectionComponent
          The document type for a UserSelectionComponent.
static DocumentType<VersionAction> VersionAction
          The document type for VersionAction
static DocumentType<Workflow> Workflow
          The document type for Workflow
static DocumentType<WorkflowAction> WorkflowAction
          The document type for WorkflowAction
static DocumentType<WorkflowStage> WorkflowStage
          The document type for WorkflowStage

Field Detail


static final DocumentType<AbstractAuthoringTemplate> AbstractAuthoringTemplate
The document type for AbstractAuthoringTemplate Since 8.0, there are two types of AbstractAuthoringTemplate, AuthoringTemplate and SiteAreaTemplate. Queries that specify the AbstractAuthoringTemplate DocumentType will return both AuthoringTemplates and SiteAreaTemplates. If only AuthoringTemplates or SiteAreaTemplates are required, use the DocumentType for AuthoringTemplate or SiteAreaTemplate.


static final DocumentType<AuthoringTemplate> AuthoringTemplate
The document type for AuthoringTemplate. Note that an AuthoringTemplate is referred to as a "Content Template" since 8.0 in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<AuthoringTemplate> ContentTemplate
Alias for AuthoringTemplate


static final DocumentType<SiteAreaTemplate> SiteAreaTemplate
The document type for SiteAreaTemplate


static final DocumentType<Content> Content
The document type for Content


static final DocumentType<ContentLink> ContentLink
The document type for ContentLink


static final DocumentType<Folder> Folder
The document type for Folder


static final DocumentType<Project> Project
The document type for Project


static final DocumentType<ProjectTemplate> ProjectTemplate
The document type for ProjectTemplate


static final DocumentType<DxContentPageTemplate> DxContentPageTemplate
The document type for SiteAreaTemplate


static final DocumentType<Site> Site
Deprecated. Since 7.0, Site is replaced by SiteArea.
The document type for Site.


static final DocumentType<SiteArea> SiteArea
The document type for SiteArea


static final DocumentType<PortalPage> PortalPage
The document type for PortalPage


static final DocumentType<> DxContentPage
The document type for DxContentPage


static final DocumentType<Category> Category
The document type for Category


static final DocumentType<Taxonomy> Taxonomy
The document type for Taxonomy


static final DocumentType<PresentationTemplate> PresentationTemplate
The document type for a PresentationTemplate


static final DocumentType<Workflow> Workflow
The document type for Workflow


static final DocumentType<WorkflowStage> WorkflowStage
The document type for WorkflowStage


static final DocumentType<WorkflowAction> WorkflowAction
The document type for WorkflowAction


static final DocumentType<PublishAction> PublishAction
The document type for PublishAction


static final DocumentType<EmailAction> EmailAction
The document type for EmailAction


static final DocumentType<ExpireAction> ExpireAction
The document type for ExpireAction


static final DocumentType<CustomWorkflowAction> CustomWorkflowAction
The document type for CustomWorkflowAction


static final DocumentType<ScheduledMoveAction> ScheduledMoveAction
The document type for ScheduledMoveAction


static final DocumentType<VersionAction> VersionAction
The document type for VersionAction


static final DocumentType<> DxSymbol
The document type for DxContentPage


static final DocumentType<PersonalizationItem> PersonalizationItem
The document type for Personalization Items.

A Personalization Item refers to any personalization item that can be stored in the Library as a separate entity in the repository.


static final DocumentType<Segment> Segment
The document type for Segment


static final DocumentType<DateComponent> DateComponent
The document type for a DateComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type DateComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a DateComponent is referred to as a "Date Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<DocumentManagerComponent> DocumentManagerComponent
Deprecated. Document Manager is deprecated since 7.0
The document type for a DocumentManagerComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type DocumentManagerComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a DocumentManagerComponent is referred to as a "Document Manager Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<FileComponent> FileComponent
The document type for a FileComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type FileComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a FileComponent is referred to as a "File Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<HTMLComponent> HTMLComponent
The document type for a HTMLComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type HTMLComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a HTMLComponent is referred to as an "HTML Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<ImageComponent> ImageComponent
The document type for a ImageComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository. I.e. Components of type ImageComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a ImageComponent is referred to as an "Image Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<JSPComponent> JSPComponent
The document type for a JSPComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type JSPComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a JSPComponent is referred to as a "JSP Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<LinkComponent> LinkComponent
The document type for a LinkComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type LinkComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a LinkComponent is referred to as a "Link Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<NumericComponent> NumericComponent
The document type for a NumericComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type NumericComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a NumericComponent is referred to as a "Numeric Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<OptionSelectionComponent> OptionSelectionComponent
The document type for a OptionSelectionComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type OptionSelectionComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a OptionSelectionComponent is referred to as an "Option Selection Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<ReferenceComponent> ReferenceComponent
The document type for a ReferenceComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type ReferenceComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a ReferenceComponent is referred to as a "Reference Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<RichTextComponent> RichTextComponent
The document type for a RichTextComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type RichTextComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a RichTextComponent is referred to as a "Rich Text Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<ShortTextComponent> ShortTextComponent
The document type for a ShortTextComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type ShortTextComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a ShortTextComponent is referred to as a "Short Text Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<TextComponent> TextComponent
The document type for a TextComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type TextComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a TextComponent is referred to as a "Text Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<UserSelectionComponent> UserSelectionComponent
The document type for a UserSelectionComponent.

A component of this type cannot be stored as a separate entity in the repository.

I.e. Components of type UserSelectionComponent must live in a ContentComponentContainer.

note: since v6.0.0, a UserSelectionComponent is referred to as a "User Selection Element" in the Authoring UI.


static final DocumentType<LibraryComponent> LibraryComponent
The document type for Library Components.

A Library Component refers to any component that can be stored in the Component Library as a separate entity in the repository.


static final DocumentType<LibraryAuthoringToolsComponent> LibraryAuthoringToolsComponent
The document type for a LibraryAuthoringToolsComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryDateComponent> LibraryDateComponent
The document type for a LibraryDateComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryDocumentManagerComponent> LibraryDocumentManagerComponent
Deprecated. Document Manager is deprecated since 7.0
The document type for a LibraryDocumentManagerComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryFileComponent> LibraryFileComponent
The document type for a LibraryFileComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryHTMLComponent> LibraryHTMLComponent
The document type for a LibraryHTMLComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryImageComponent> LibraryImageComponent
The document type for a LibraryImageComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryJSPComponent> LibraryJSPComponent
The document type for a LibraryJSPComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryLinkComponent> LibraryLinkComponent
The document type for LibraryLinkComponent

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryLinkComponent> LibraryListPresentationComponent
The document type for LibraryListPresentationComponent

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryMenuComponent> LibraryMenuComponent
The document type for a LibraryMenuComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryNavigatorComponent> LibraryNavigatorComponent
The document type for a LibraryNavigatorComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryNumericComponent> LibraryNumericComponent
The document type for a LibraryNumericComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryPageNavigationComponent> LibraryPageNavigationComponent
The document type for a LibraryPageNavigationComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryPersonalizationComponent> LibraryPersonalizationComponent
The document type for a LibraryPersonalizationComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryReferenceComponent> LibraryReferenceComponent
The document type for a LibraryReferenceComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryRichTextComponent> LibraryRichTextComponent
The document type for a LibraryRichTextComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibrarySearchComponent> LibrarySearchComponent
The document type for a LibrarySearchComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryShortTextComponent> LibraryShortTextComponent
The document type for a LibraryShortTextComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryStyleSheetComponent> LibraryStyleSheetComponent
The document type for a LibraryStyleSheetComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryTaxonomyComponent> LibraryTaxonomyComponent
The document type for a LibraryTaxonomyComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryTextComponent> LibraryTextComponent
The document type for a LibraryTextComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryUserNameComponent> LibraryUserNameComponent
The document type for a LibraryUserNameComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.


static final DocumentType<LibraryUserSelectionComponent> LibraryUserSelectionComponent
The document type for a LibraryUserSelectionComponent.

A component of this type is stored as an entity in the repository and is also known as a Library Component.