Interface Category

All Superinterfaces:
Document, Editable, EditableItem, Hierarchical, Item, Localized, WCMApiObject, WorkflowedDocument

public interface Category
extends Editable, WorkflowedDocument, Hierarchical

Represents a Category in the repository.

The Category interface provides methods that aid in traversing a category tree.

To retrieve the immediate children of this Category object use getChildren(). To retrieve all the children (descendants) of this Category object use getAllChildren().

6.0, 7.0 extends Editable instead of Document

Method Summary
 DocumentIdIterator getAllChildren()
          Returns a depth first iterator over all child categories of this Category.
 DocumentIdIterator getChildren()
          Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate child categories of this Category object.
 DocumentId getParent()
          Deprecated. Since 8.0, use Hierarchical.getParentId()
Methods inherited from interface
addAuthors, addCategoryIds, addContributorAccessMembers, addDeleteAccessMembers, addEditAccessMembers, addEditorAccessMembers, addHistoryLogEntry, addLiveAccessMembers, addManagerAccessMembers, addMembersForAccess, addOwners, addReadAccessMembers, addUserAccessMembers, isChanged, removeAuthors, removeCategoryIds, removeContributorAccessMembers, removeDeleteAccessMembers, removeEditAccessMembers, removeEditorAccessMembers, removeLiveAccessMembers, removeManagerAccessMembers, removeMembersForAccess, removeOwners, removeReadAccessMembers, removeUserAccessMembers, setContributorAccessInheritance, setDescriptionTextProviderKey, setDescriptionTextProviderName, setEditorAccessInheritance, setInheritance, setKeywords, setManagerAccessInheritance, setPropagation, setTitleTextProviderKey, setTitleTextProviderName, setUserAccessInheritance
Methods inherited from interface
getAuthors, getCategoryIds, getContributorAccessMembers, getCreator, getDeleteAccessMembers, getDescription, getDescriptionTextProviderKey, getDescriptionTextProviderName, getEditAccessMembers, getEditorAccessMembers, getHistoryLog, getId, getInheritedContributorAccessMembers, getInheritedEditorAccessMembers, getInheritedManagerAccessMembers, getInheritedUserAccessMembers, getKeywords, getLastModifier, getLiveAccessMembers, getManagerAccessMembers, getMembersForAccess, getMembersForInheritedAccess, getOwnerLibrary, getOwners, getProject, getReadAccessMembers, getSourceWorkspace, getTitle, getTitleTextProviderKey, getTitleTextProviderName, getUserAccessMembers, getVersionCatalog, getVersionStrategy, hasDeleteAccess, hasDeleteAccess, hasEditAccess, hasEditAccess, hasLiveAccess, hasLiveAccess, hasProfile, hasProject, hasReadAccess, hasReadAccess, isContributorAccessInherited, isEditorAccessInherited, isInherited, isManagerAccessInherited, isNew, isPropagated, isUserAccessInherited, isWorkflowed
Methods inherited from interface
getCreationDate, getDescription, getIdentity, getModifiedDate, getName, getTitle
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
setDescription, setName, setTitle
Methods inherited from interface
addAdditionalViewers, addApprovers, approve, cancelDraftDocument, clearApprovers, createDraftDocument, decline, decline, getAdditionalViewers, getCurrentApprovers, getDateEnteredStage, getEffectiveDate, getExpiryDate, getGeneralDateOne, getGeneralDateTwo, getPendingWorkflowStatus, getPublishedDate, getPublishedId, getWorkflowId, getWorkflowStageId, getWorkflowStatus, hasApproverAccess, hasApproverAccess, hasDraft, isDraft, isDraftOfPublishedDocument, isExpired, isPublished, isWorkflowMovingBackward, nextWorkflowStage, nextWorkflowStage, nextWorkflowStage, previousWorkflowStage, previousWorkflowStage, removeAdditionalViewers, removeApprovers, restartWorkflow, setEffectiveDate, setExpiryDate, setGeneralDateOne, setGeneralDateTwo, setWorkflowId, setWorkflowId
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


DocumentIdIterator getChildren()
Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate child categories of this Category object.

The user must have Read access to the Category for it to be included in the returned iterator.

an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this Category; or an empty iterator if no immediate children are found


DocumentIdIterator getAllChildren()
Returns a depth first iterator over all child categories of this Category.

For example, a Category Tree that looks like:

a call to getAllChildren() will return DocumentId objects for the child categories of MyCategory in this order:

CategoryA, CategoryA1, CategoryA1-1, CategoryA1-2, CategoryA2, CategoryB, CategoryB1.

The user must have Read access to the Category for it to be included in the returned iterator.

an iterator of DocumentId objects of all the children of this the Category; or an empty iterator if no children are found


DocumentId getParent()
Deprecated. Since 8.0, use Hierarchical.getParentId()

Returns the DocumentId of the parent of this Category object.

The DocumentId returned may be for a Taxonomy object or a Category object, depending on where this Category lies in the category tree.

This method will return null if the user does not have access to the parent of this Category.

the DocumentId of the parent of this Category.