Copying HCL Launch authentication and authorization realms into HCL Accelerate

Transfer authentication and authorization realm settings from HCL Launch to HCL Accelerate.

Before you begin

You must have both the authentication and authorization realms created in HCL Launch before you can copy them into HCL Accelerate. This task requires that you are an HCL Launch and HCL Accelerate administrator.


  1. From the HCL Launch home page, click Settings > Authentication (Users), and then click the required authentication realm.
  2. Click the arrow to the left of Edit to display the authentication realm fields to be copied into the HCL Accelerate fields.
  3. From the HCL Accelerate home page, click Settings > User Authentication.
  4. Copy information from the HCL Launch authentication realm fields to the HCL Accelerate fields, as described in the following table.
    Table 1. Copying authentication realm fields
    HCL Launch authentication realm field HCL Accelerate field
    Name Name
    Description Description
    Search Anonymously Search Anonymously Note: Match selection to HCL Launch field.
    Search Connection DN Bind DN
    Search Connection Password Bind credentials
    User Search Base Search base
    User Search Filter Search filter Note: Do not copy the User Search Filter field. In the Search filter field, enter mail={{username}}.
    Name Attribute Name Attribute
    Email Attribute Email Attribute
  5. Match the Search User Subtree selection with the Scope when searching LDAP users selection.
    If Search User Subtree and Subtree are not selected, follow these guidelines for making a selection in the Scope when searching LDAP users field:
    One level indicates that only the immediate children of the entry that is specified as the search base are considered. The base entry itself is not considered, nor any descendants of the immediate children of the base entry.
    Base indicates that only the entry that is specified as the search base is considered. None of its subordinates are considered.
  6. From the HCL Launch home page, click Settings > Authorization (Groups), and then click the required authorization realm.
  7. Click Edit for the required authorization realm to display the fields to be copied into the HCL Accelerate fields.
    For the following steps, you will be copying information from the HCL Launch authorization realm fields displayed in the Create Authorization Realm fields to the HCL Accelerate fields.
  8. Copy information from the HCL Launch authorization realm fields to the HCL Accelerate fields, as described in the following table.
    Table 2. Copying authorization realm fields
    HCL Launch authorization realm field HCL Accelerate field
    Group Search Base Group Search Base
    Group Search Filter Group Search Filter Note: Do not copy the Group Search Filter field, enter member={{dn}}
    Group Name Group Name Attribute
    Search Group Subtree Search Group Subtree Note: Match selection to HCL Launch field.
    User Group Attribute User Group Attribute
  9. Click Save on the User authentication page in HCL Accelerate.
  10. Click Import users to verify the LDAP configuration settings. For the valid LDAP configurations, user import status is successful. For the invalid LDAP configurations, user import fails with the error message.