Adding a metrics bar to value streams

Add the Metrics bar to the value stream.

You can provide metrics data to value streams and display the data in charts on the Metrics bar. To enable the Metrics bar, add metricsBar definitions to the value_stream_name.json file attached to the value stream.

Note: Before starting, define metrics definitions

To add the metrics bar data to the value_stream_name.json file, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Value Stream page, click Download value stream map, .
  2. Using a text editor, add metricsBar definition to the value_stream_name.json file. The properties are defined later in this topic.
  3. Upload the file to your value stream.
  4. On the value stream page, click Metrics bar .

After enabling the metrics bar, add charts for the metric data related to the value stream. Adding items to the value stream is described later in this topic.

MetricsBar JSON parameters

Metrics bar parameters are defined in the metricsBar area of the value_stream_name.json file.

Table 1. Efficiency metrics
Efficiency Metric Description
relativeTime Date range for data calculation. Valid values are: HOUR24, DAY7, DAY30, DAY90, MONTH6, YEAR1, ALL.
metricDefinitionId Metric definition to apply. Any metric definition defined to HCL Accelerate can be referenced.
name Metric name.
displayType Determines how data is rendered. Valid values are: bar, percent.
calculationType Determines how the data is aggregated. Valid values are: mostRecent, and trendMostRecent. The mostRecent value shows the most recent run compared to the average. The trendMostRecent adds a trend breakdown to the most recent data.

The following example adds a bar chart for work items over the past thirty days.

 "metricsBar": [
      "relativeTime": "DAY30",
      "metricDefinitionId": "WORK_ITEM_TYPE_COUNT",
      "name": "Work Item Type Count",
      "displayType": "bar",
      "calculationType": "trendMostRecent"

MetricsBar display types

To add metric data to the Metrics bar, complete the following steps:

  1. On the value stream page, click Metrics bar to display the metrics bar.
  2. In the Add Metrics window, expand the metric type that you want to add to the Metrics bar.
  3. Define the metric by completing the following steps:
    1. In the Metric Title field, enter a name for the metric. The title is displayed on the Metrics bar.
    2. In the Relative time field, select a date range. Data within the range are calculated.
    3. In the Warn when metric data is missing from applications area, specify whether warnings are issued when any application is missing relative data, or is only issued when all applications are missing data.
  4. Click Add to insert the metric into the Metrics bar.

You can have six metrics displayed at one time. To remove a metric, highlight the metric, and then select Remove Metric.