Configuring Jenkins integrations

Manage Jenkins™ jobs with your deployments and pipelines.

Before you begin

Obtain the HCL Accelerate plug-in and install it in your Jenkins instance. On the Jenkins Plug-in page search for velocity or UrbanCode. Complete the integration by pasting the HCL Accelerate credentials into Jenkins.

Note: In Jenkins, you must have admin privileges to install the plug-in.

About this task

This configuration makes Jenkins jobs available to pipelines and deployment plans. You can run Jenkins jobs with HCL Accelerate and use the output in later tasks. After you configure an integration, add Jenkins tasks to deployment plans and pipeline stages.


  1. Click Settings > Integrations > Plugins.
    A list of defined integrations with current information about each integration is displayed in a table.
  2. Click Add Integration for Jenkins.
  3. In the Add Jenkins Integration window, in the Name field, enter a name for the integration and click Create.
  4. In the Integration ID field, click copy to copy the ID and then paste it into the corresponding field in your Jenkins instance, Manage Jenkins > Configure System > UrbanCode Velocity.
  5. In the Integration token field, click copy to copy the token and then paste it into the corresponding field in Jenkins.
  6. Click Save.
    Depending on the amount of data,the initial integration can take some time.
    Synchronization occurs every minute. To prevent synchronization, click the Disable/Enable field on the Integrations page.

What to do next

After the initial integration, you can add Jenkins tasks to deployment plans and select any of the integrated jobs. Similarly, you can add Jenkins jobs to pipeline stages.