Implementing pipeline gates

Gates ensure that applications cannot be start in an environment until the gate rule is satisfied.

About this task

A gate is a condition that determines whether an applications can run in the environment. A gate condition is called a rule. You can define a rule that requires one or more responders to approve an application version before it can run in an environment. Approving a gate rule is considered passing the gate.

When you add gates to an environment, all application versions in the affected environment must be approved before a deployment can be start. You can override a failed gate, that is, a rejected application version. You might want to do this when you run applications in a test environment. A pipeline can have some environments with gates and some without gates.

Anyone with access to the pipeline can create gates and be assigned as a responder. If a gate has multiple responders, one approval is sufficient for the application version to pass the gate. Similarly, if one responder rejects the application version, the application is rejected. If responders both approve and reject the application version, the application is rejected.

To add a gate to an environment, complete the following steps:


  1. For the environment where you want to add a gate, click Add gate, and then complete the following steps.
    1. In the Add gate window, click New Rule.
      To use an existing rule, click Existing Rules.
    2. In the Name your new rule field, enter a name for the rule.
    3. In the Add Approver(s) list, select responders.
    4. Click Add Rule.
      The gate is added to the environment, which is indicated by the Gate icon on the environment label. To see gate rules, click the Gate icon. A Gate status icon is added to the applications in the environment. Initially, the Gate status is colored gray. If all application versions are approved, the gate is passed and the Gate status is green colored. If application versions are rejected, the Gate status is red colored.
  2. To respond to a gate rule, complete the following steps:
    1. For the application version with the gate, click the Gate status icon.
    2. In the Version Rules window, click Approve.
      If you are an approver for multiple rules, you can approve all or some of them. You can approve some rules and reject others.
      Note: If you are not a designated responder, you can neither approve or reject the gate rule.
    3. Click Save.
      If all gates are approved, the Gate status indicator becomes green colored.

What to do next

Run a deployment for a pipeline stage.