Lesson 1 Create a value stream

Create the tutorial value stream.

Before you begin

Before you begin this lesson, make sure that you complete the steps that are described in Configure the tutorial system.
Note: You can get a head start on the tutorial by using a value stream definition taken from the Create a value stream tutorial. You can use the JSON file that defines the

About this task

In this lesson, we create a value stream that we can use to complete the tutorial.

The default value stream provides a minimally-configured pipeline and workflow. Value streams are defined in JSON-type configuration files. We use the JSON file to configure the value stream's structure, identify integrations, and define DQL queries that selects the data that appears in the stream. You modify a value stream by editing the value_stream_name.json file associated with the value stream. You can integrate external tools into the value stream by modifying the JSON file, or by configuring integrations on the Integrations page. In this tutorial, we define the Jira integration on the Integrations pages and reference it in the value_stream_name.json file.

To create the tutorial value stream, complete the following steps:


  1. Create a value stream by completing the following steps:
    1. On the HCL Accelerate Home page, click Value Streams, and then Create, .
      The Create a Value stream page is displayed.
    2. In the Name field, enter Tutorial or a similar name.
    3. In the Team list, select the team that you created for the tutorial.
    4. Click Save.
  2. On the Value stream tab, click Download sample.
    The Tutorial VSM-vsm.json file is downloaded to your computer.
  3. Open the file and in your text editor, modify the names of the phases: change Planning to PLAN, Development to DEVELOP, and Deployment to DEPLOY.
    In addition to renaming elements, you can add new phases and stages, or delete the default ones. In fact, you can completely customize the value stream to fit your development lifecycle. One thing to keep in mind is that the names you assign tare used in the DQL queries that drive data through the value stream.
    Note: If you are using the value stream definition from the Create a value stream tutorial, skip this step.
  4. Save the Tutorial VSM-vsm.json file.
    The following DQL query limits the Selected for Development stage to Jira issues with the workflow status of Selected for Development:
    "phases": [
          "name": "PLAN",
          "description": "",
          "stages": [
              "name": "Backlog",
              "query": "issue.status=\"Backlog\"",
              "description": "",
              "wipLimit": null,
              "gates": null
              "name": "Selected for Development",
              "query": "issue.status=\"Selected for Development\"",
              "description": "",
              "wipLimit": null,
              "gates": null
  5. On the Tutorial VSM value stream page, select Configure value stream map > Replace value stream map, and then select the JSON file that you modified.
    The following DQL query limits the Selected for Development stage to Jira issues with the workflow status of Selected for Development:
          "name": "Development",
          "description": null,
          "stages": [
              "name": "In Progress",
              "query": "issue.status=\"In Progress\" AND deployment.env!=PROD ",
              "description": null,
              "wipLimit": null,
              "gates": null
              "name": "Review",
              "query": "issue.status!=Done and pr.status=open",
              "description": null,
              "wipLimit": null,
              "gates": null
              "name": "Merged",
              "query": "(pr.status=MERGED or pr.status=closed) AND build.status!=success AND deployment.env!=DEV and deployment.env!=PROD ",
              "description": null,
              "wipLimit": null,
              "gates": null


In this lesson, you created an instance of the default value stream. The highest level of a value stream is a phase. Phases represent important organizational parts of the value stream. Phases contain stages that define process flow within a phase. Stages are containers for dots. Dots represent units of work from HCL Accelerate or tools integrated into the value stream. In general, processing is done in left-right order.

The following figure shows the default value stream workflow. Notice anything? The stages of the Planning and Development phases correspond to the statuses in the simplified Jira workflow. Jira-related dots can move through the value stream stages as they transition along the Jira workflow. You customize value streams to reflect the tools that you use in your development lifecycle.

Figure 1. Tutorial value stream
Default value stream

At this point, the value that you created is just a framework for more important work. In later lessons, you learn how to integrate external tools into the value stream and fashion DQL queries that will populate the stages with meaningful data.

What to do next

In the next lesson, we modify the default value stream.