Verification Point and Action wizard

You open the Verification Point and Action wizard dialog with the Insert Verification Point or Action Command button Insert Verification Point or Action Command on the Recording toolbar. You use the wizard to select objects to test in your application, and to select the types of tests to perform on them. You record a verification point by using this wizard.

The Verification Point and Action Wizard has the following pages. Click the page name below for information about how to use that page.

Select an Object -- where you select the object you want to perform a test on. There are three selection methods.

Select an Action -- where you select the test to perform on that object. You can create a Data verification point, create a Properties verification point, get a specific property value, or set a wait state for an object.

Variable Name -- this is the third page when you choose a single property value as your action, which you can use to name the variable, and to choose whether to declare the variable in your script.

Verification Point Data -- this is the last page when you choose a Data or Properties verification point as your action. In both cases, you can select the verification point data you want to include in the test.

Note: While recording, you can drag the Insert Verification Point or Action Command button Insert Verification Point or Action Command off of the Recording toolbar to immediately start selecting an object in your application. This is a shortcut for selecting it from the Select an Object page of the Verification Point and Action Wizard. You will then be in the wizard after you select the object.