Insert Data Drive Actions dialog

You can use the Insert Data Drive Actions dialog to select the test objects and actions you want to data drive.

Object Finder Tool button Object Finder Tool
Use to select an object and all the descendents of the selected object. Using the Object Finder tool is the most common and direct method of selecting an object.
Selection Wizard button Selection Wizard
Click to use the Object Finder Tool method and its options, or the Object Browser method.
Data Driven Commands
Displays information about the test object or objects that you selected to data drive the testing of your application-under-test. You can place your pointer over a row in this table to view the line of code that Functional Test inserts into the test script to data drive the application-under-test.
Displays an icon that represents the type of test object you select to data drive an application-under-test.
Test Object
Displays the name of a test object.
Displays the command that you can perform on a particular test object.
Displays the name of the heading for the variable as the name appears in a dataset. Type a descriptive name for the variable or select an existing variable name by clicking the drop-down arrow. Descriptive headings make it easier to add data to the dataset.
Initial Value
Displays the initial value of a test object. Double-click to change the initial value of a test object to test your application with different values.

The following icons appear to the right of the Data Driven Commands table:

  • Moves selected row earlier in the commands table button Click to move the selected row earlier in the order of execution in the Data Driven Commands table.
  • Moves selected row later in the commands table button Click to move the selected row later in the order of execution in the Data Driven Commands table.
  • Deletes the selected for from the commands table button Click to delete a selected row from the Data Driven Commands table.
  • Highlights the selected test object in the software under test button Click to highlight a test object in the application-under-test. Select a test object in the Data Driven Commands table, and then click this icon.
  • Displays or hides recognition and administrative properties button Click to display or hide the recognition and administrative properties for a selected test object.
Selected Command Description
Displays recognition and administrative properties about the test object selected in the Data Driven Commands area of the Insert Data Drive Actions dialog. Appears when you click Displays or hides recognition and administrative properties button.
Lists the property, value, and weight of a selected test object. You can use this information to confirm that you have selected the correct test object to data drive.
Displays internal administrative data of a selected object. You cannot edit this data. Use this data to locate and manage the test object in the context of the associated script. You can use the administrative information to determine what test object this is in the associated application-under-test.

To open: Click Insert Data Drive Commands ( Insert Data Drive Commands button) on the Recording toolbar.