Calling a script from a functional test script

While recording or editing a functional test script, you can insert a call to a previously recorded script. This lets you avoid repeatedly recording similar actions on the application-under-test by taking advantage of scripts that already exist.


  1. If recording, click the Insert Script Support Commands button Insert Script Support Commands on the Recording Monitor toolbar.

    If editing:

    1. Position the pointer in the script where you want to place the callScript command.
    2. Click the Insert Recording into Active Functional Test Script button Insert Recording into Active Functional Test Script on the product toolbar.
    3. Click the Insert Script Support Commands button Insert Script Support Commands on the Recording Monitor toolbar.
  2. Click the Call Script tab in the Script Support Functions .
  3. In the Script Name field, select from the list the name of the script you want to call or enter the name.
  4. In the dataset Iterator Count field, do one of the following:
    • Type or select the number of records in the dataset.
    • Select Iterate Until Done to access all records in the dataset.
    • Select Use Current Record to use the same record across the call script.
  5. Click Insert Code.

    Test UI inserts the callScript ("scriptname") code at the cursor location, where scriptname is the name you selected in the Script Name field.

  6. Click Close to remove the Script Support Functions dialog from the screen.
    Note: You can also insert one or more callScript commands from the Functional Test Projects view .

What to do next